Today on Video Marketing Madness - Steve shares a way to make a living with YouTube. It's from a presentation he did for the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys. Here's a link to the live video stream on VMM's YouTube channel - Steve's website is Equipment List: Shoot videos on your phone. Excellent quality. Make sure the lighting is decent Use an external mic. Movo offers an excellent lapel mic for $15. Go to You’ll need a USB-C and Lightning adapter for the mic. USB-C is Android, and I’m told it is the new iPhone. Lightning is iPhone. Best Buy has these things. Downloading external videos, use 4k Video Downloader. Give credit to TV stations Stock photos and videos for B Roll - Envato Elements Producing simple slide videos - use Canva - - it’s also good for formatting YouTube shorts. Free video editor - Today’s episode is made possible by Movo! Get great microphones, stands, and lights for your videos at