RJ Spina's soul brought his body to the brink of death and paralysis to a state of complete recovery through metaphysical principles he had been shown since childhood. But he was shown much more.
As we watch the greater game of the times unfold, it's critical that we stay centered on the nature of this reality. It's being posited that this is a simulation, rather than the more accurate notion of a collective creation. In this conversation, RJ Spina and I speak about the imperative to learn to be totally present as we create our collective future. Along the way he also shares why this Free Will "experiment" is a "raging success" with full presence as our greatest tool for higher outcomes. Enjoy!
Watch the video version on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uJoS9EwT6zE
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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.