
  • Follow Me
    Nov 13 2022

    TJ’s big brother wakes him up with a simple order: “Follow me.” By the night’s conclusion, he’ll wish he had stayed in bed.

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    5 min
  • Gunsmoke’s All-In
    Nov 5 2022

    If you like poker, and you like catchphrases, and you like severe discomfort, "Gunsmoke's All-In" is for you.

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    11 min
  • Hunger Pangs
    Aug 11 2022

    About a zombie, who happens to love Tom Brady, in search of the perfect victim. Try not to take it too seriously.

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    8 min
  • Accountability
    Aug 4 2022

    Did you ever want to fight back against a jerky college professor? If so, this story will definitely be a return on your investment!

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    8 min
  • Swingin the Clown
    Oct 2 2021

    As usual, Sadie peeks out the back window before going to bed. This night, though, a clown sits upon their swings. Against her husband’s wishes, she confronts the stranger. She will wish she hadn’t.

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    6 min
  • Fallen Man
    Sep 25 2021

    Bryan is certain he’s going to die at the bottom of that ravine. When help arrives, it’s in a form he never expected. (Science Fiction)

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    7 min
  • Cold Turkey: A Thanksgiving Misadventure
    Nov 26 2020

    Utterly unapologetic, Eddie stands fuming outside in the bitter cold while his son, wife, and in-laws sit silently at the dinner table, surrounding a cold turkey. How did such woeful events occur on Thanksgiving Day? Read on …

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    6 min
  • Besieged
    Nov 23 2020

    Careful with that spider you’re about to step on. You might just end the world.

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    5 min