
  • 63. Fill In The Blanks with Creative License with Doug Stevenson
    Jan 19 2025

    The magic of storytelling is in the details. It’s the small but colorful details that make a story come alive. But what if you can’t recall every detail because the event of the story happened months or years ago?

    The answer is called Creative License. Creative license is a permission structure that allows you to fill in the blanks with non-consequential choices. Was her name Bridget or Diane? Pick one. Did the story take place in the boardroom or a conference room? Pick one. Did your coach say, “Get your head in the game,” or ‘Get out of your head and into the game?” Pick one.

    Contact: doug@dougstevenson.com

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    17 min
  • 62. Let The Audience Come To You with Doug Stevenson
    Jan 9 2025

    When you are 100% true to yourself, complete within yourself in front of an audience, they will choose to come to you. This requires you to focus IN to who you are, what you have to say and how you want to say it.

    When you invite the audience to meet you where you are, you become magnetic and attractive. It’s your energy and presence that attracts people to you as well as your content.

    Contact: doug@dougstevenson.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • 61. Make A Brave Choice with Doug Stevenson
    Jan 1 2025

    Is the story of the life that you are living a story that you are proud to share with your audience? Create a new and inspiring story by making a brave choice.

    It’s a new year and an opportunity for you to turn the page and begin a new chapter in your life. Is the year 2025 the year you Focus Forward and make a brave choice? A brave choice is one that scares and excites you. Change is scary. Remaining stuck is scarier and more destructive.

    Contact: doug@dougstevenson.com

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    13 min
  • 60. Safe is a Very Dangerous Place to Be with Ty Boyd
    Dec 23 2024

    Ty Boyd has some amazing wisdom to share from his decades of speaking experience. He once spoke in front of an audience of 80,000 people. He says, “It’s not about being perfect, but rather about stepping into the deep water and finding your authentic brilliance.”

    He encourages us to put our passion into what we do and to tell our truth through our personal stories. Ty Boyd passed away in 2020 having made an indelible impact on thousands of speakers, trainers and executive through Ty Boyd, Inc.


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    39 min
  • 59. Pick a Room with Terry Paulson
    Dec 9 2024

    Dr. Terry Paulson is a profession speaker on the topics of leadership, humor and change management. He takes storytelling seriously and, in this episode, he offers practical tips on how to make your stories stick with humor, physicality and deliberate craft.

    He is the author of Leadership Truths One Story at a Time. One of the insights he shares is how you can find your best personal stories by picking a room and them remembering what happened in that room or location.


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    51 min
  • 57. There's No Such Word as Can't with Alvin Law
    Oct 16 2024

    Alvin Law was born with no arms. He has been speaking and performing since the age of three. His stories of resilience and perseverance in the face of overwhelming adversity are inspiring. He sings, tap dances and plays the drums. Alvin has stories to tell.

    His stories about celebrating the beauty from within are rich with emotion and meaning. This podcast is one you’ll want to watch on You Tube. You’ve got to see Alvin to appreciate the power of his message.

    Contact: doug@dougstevenson.com

    Contact: alvin@alvinlaw.com


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    51 min
  • 57. Celebrate What Makes You YOU with Pegine
    Sep 14 2024

    Pegine is a force of nature and an inspiration for anyone who feels that they don’t fit into any category or box. She says: “In the sharing of who we are the world expands.” The nuggets of wisdom she shares about speaking and storytelling are practical, powerful and motivating.

    In this interview you will hear the method behind her keynote and storytelling madness as she shares her powerful story of growing up in the dangerous neighborhoods of New York City.


    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min
  • 56. From Information to Transformation with Robert Kennedy audio
    Aug 25 2024

    Robert Kennedy believes that it’s more important to focus on transformation than information. His stories are rich in imagery and emotion while being strategic about the point or lesson. His energy and style inspire people to find their own voice as a speaker just as he has.

    Contact: Robert Kennedy III at inquiries@robertkennedy3.com?

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min