Today, we spend more time on the fourth kosha, Vigyanamaya Kosha. The word “Vigyana” means “knowing.” This layer is true intellect, intuition, wisdom, and higher awareness. Within this layer, one experiences union of Spirit, realizing they are a spiritual being having a human experience.
We also delve into the fifth layer, the Anandamaya Kosha. “Ananda” means “bliss,” so this is our Bliss Body. Love, peace, joy, connection, and bliss are all a constant experience here, without any reason, and it’s beyond just an emotion. Bliss is the experience we gain from connecting to the Atman (true self) without masks, opinions, ideas, or identities.
We begin exploring another part of the subtle anatomy, known as Chakras. Chakras are energy vortexes in the subtle/energetic body, located along the sushumna nadi, starting from the base of the spine, or tail bone, all the way up through the crown of the head. The first is Muladhara, which we felt required its own episode, as the strength of the rest of the chakras rest upon this foundation.
Muladhara translates as the root, whose energy flows to the rest of the chakras and sets the tone for our sense of self. Herein lies infinite potential but also fear, since all Fear is essentially about the Unknown, and the Unknown is also the Infinite Potential. A lot of our limitations are self-imposed, acquired through conditioning, so the muladhara represents the possibility of liberation when we realize we have the choice to change and evolve.
Daily practices and routines, often the simple ones we mention in today's conversation, help strengthen our inner stability. Disciplines, like yoga asana, anchor us so that experiences don’t lead us off path and away from our true self. A huge part of our inner work is with this chakra. Cultivating a base experience of Trust over Fear. This chakra represents the Earth element, and we hope you feel its grounding energy through this teaching.
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