It's Suicide Squad!
"What are we? Some kind of Suicide Squad?" Yes Will Smith, you are. You're a long way from Bel-Air now. You're in a mad gang with Donna off Neighbours and the man from that Spartacus show with all the willys in it. You know what else? It's not bad - and I actually mean that. The first time I saw it, I hated it. This time round, actually thought it was half decent. Maybe it's because we watched it off the back of Man of Steel and BvS, maybe because it's aged better than other Comic Book Movies have managed. Who knows. Either way, we give it a pretty favourable review which shocked us both.
It bombed. Yup. Same as BvS, it opens well then inexplicably drops off a cliff. More explanation in Part 2 after a lovely Batman: TAS clip. The numbers seem very odd and I can't believe that word of mouth was so powerful that it killed the movie, not with this cast. Yet, here we are.
It's obviously a mess and there was mucho studio interference throughout the production of this movie. We spend most of Part Two digging into what happened and why there are so many and multiple character introductions. Off the back of this we do the obligatory 'Jared Leto's method madness is madness' chat. I mean, seriously: dead pigs and live rats? There's just no need Jared. Now off you pop back to your mum's make up bag. That Marilyn Manson look won't apply itself.
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