For this week's special 10th episode, we dive back in time to find VGM that suits a theme. This week's theme: Music to Stab To. Selected tracks include:
+“Calm and Agitation” from Samurai Showdown by Masahiko Hataya & Yasuo Yamate
+"Sudden Threat" from Ninja Gaiden (2004) by Keigi Yamagishi & Ryuichi Nitta
+Suggested track from @ZelAscend: “Rugged Terrain” from Ninja Gaiden (1989) by Keigi Yamagishi & Ryuichi Nitta
+"Mantis Lords" from Hollow Knight by Christopher Larkin
+"Dark Flute" from Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery by Jim Guthrie
Suggested track from @VGMporium: “Battle Theme” from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest by Ryuji Sasai & Yasuhiro Kawakami
+"Introduction and Main Theme" from Sword of Sodan (Amiga 500) by Julian Le Fay
+Suggested track from @StephenWilds: “Eternal Struggle (Cervantes Theme)” from Soul Calibur II by Junichi Nakatsuru, Yoshihito Yano, Asuka Sakai, Rio Hamamoto, Ryuichi Takada & Junichi Takagi.
+"Title Theme" from Mazan: Flash of the Blade (arcade) by Hiroto Sasaki
+Suggested track from @JayLetourneau: “Vegas” from Hitman: Blood Money by Jasper Kyd.
Have a suggestion? A complaint? Tweet it to us @SuSoBoyPodcast or as a comment on our Patreon.
*Cover art = "Fork With Spaghetti" by Mae Mu + Pixel It