In this episode, Elizabeth Corner speaks to Beth Worrell, Managing Director and Chief Legal Counsel of the Pipe Line Contractors Association (PLCA), about how the PLCA represents the union contractors that build and maintain the USA’s energy infrastructure.
This episode of the podcast covers:
- An overview of the PLCA’s mission and how it serves the pipeline construction industry in the USA.
- What types of companies and professionals typically join the PLCA.
- How the PLCA supports the professional development of its members through training and skills programmes.
- How the organisation fosters a sense of community and connection among members.
- How the PLCA foresees the future of pipeline careers.
- And more!
Sponsoring this episode of the World Pipelines Podcast is the TDW SmartPlug® Isolation System — The safest inline isolation system on the market. Learn more here.
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