Dr. Dan Kinderlerer discusses how he treats a lot of patient with THC and CBD to help lesson Lyme symptoms. These symptoms include lowering neuro inflammation, less night terrors, and lower pain and anxiety with great success. Every human has an endocannabinoid system only for processing marijuana, and nothing else as far as we know to date. Many studies validate it's use in MS, for pain, and many other benefits, one study is: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK425767/.
Please excuse the camera exposure as my old equipment was going out but I didn't want to not share the great information, I adjusted it as much as I could. *Not intended as medical advice. Medical THC/CBD is legal in Texas now and in a lot of states. Search your area for details, but in Texas a lot of people use Texas Originals: https://texasoriginal.com/.
#neuroscience #thc #cbd #dankinderleher #lymedisease #endocannabinoidsystem
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