WAIT CONFERENCE 2025|| UNDERSTANDING WORSHIP BEYOND MUSIC|| SESSION 8|| CHIMDI M. OHAHUNA Welcome to this session of WAIT CONFERENCE ’25. Go beyond the typical understanding of worship and discover how your body, soul, and spirit are all vital in truly connecting with God. Have you ever considered that worship involves more than just singing and spiritual experiences? Join us as we proceed further into a deeper understanding of worship, moving beyond the familiar emphasis on the spirit to embrace a holistic approach that includes your body and soul. Still on the subject and nature of worship, in this teaching session we are focusing on Romans 12:1, which calls us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices – our "reasonable worship." We've traditionally concentrated on John 4:24, "worshipping in spirit and in truth," and rightly so. But what about the role of our physical selves? In this episode, we explore how our bodies are integral to our worship, not an afterthought. Discover how true worship is about filling God with our heart, expressing that heartfelt connection through our bodies. Drawing from Philippians 3:10, we'll explore the Greek word "Ginosko," meaning "to feel," and how worship is essentially seeking to know and feel God more deeply. This inner experience, rooted in our spirit man, must translate through our body, reflecting the truth of what we feel in our spirit. This is where alignment comes in. Our spirit, feeling God, must align our soul, and our soul, in turn, must align our body. If your body's actions and choices don't reflect the God you feel in your spirit, then our worship is incomplete. We wil examine Apostle Paul's powerful statement of "putting his body under" (1 Corinthians 9:27) and how this speaks to a powerful message of holistic worship. This discipline isn't about suppression but rather about liberation and fully expressing our love for God through our whole being. We'll explore the challenges we face, from the everyday busyness of our souls and bodies which can lead to disconnect from our spirit man. We must learn to deliberately cultivate a connection that keeps our soul aligned to our spirit, and our body aligned to our soul. This deliberate fellowship helps us continually magnify God in our spirit, soul, and body, thereby living a lifestyle of complete worship. Ultimately, we will define "all-inclusive worship" – where what we experience in the spirit is reflected in our soul and ultimately manifested through our body. This is about living a life of continuous worship, 24/7, in the fullness of our being. Key takeaways from this episode: • Understanding the biblical basis for holistic worship (Romans 12:1, John 4:24). • Why the body is not an afterthought but a vital part of worship. • The meaning of the Greek word "Ginosko" and worship as "feeling God." • The importance of aligning the spirit, soul, and body in worship. • Practical insights into living a lifestyle of holistic worship. • Defining "all-inclusive worship." Join us as we explore this transformative understanding of worship and learn how to engage our entire being in a deeper relationship with God! Subscribe to the GRACELIFECOMI podcast to continue your journey into a holistic understanding of worship! Share this episode with others who are ready to go deeper. Jesus is Lord.