Hobos, angsty teenagers, and Satanic worshipers invade the deteriorating buildings of the shuddered Hilltop as Sarah stalks them under the influence of pills she scavenges from the abandoned pharmacy.
Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.
Written & Narrated by Cory Zim
Produced by Radio Verté
Executive Producer, Cory Zim
Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté.