Steve Gladen, Small Groups Pastor at Saddleback Church, pulls from his 25 plus years of small group ministry experience to encourage and equip listeners to lead healthier, growing and more effective small groups and small group ministries. In this episode, Steve and co-host Derek sit down to continue reading and answering the top small group mail bag questions sent in by small group point people and ministry leaders. You don't want to miss this episode!
Mail Bag Questions 13-18
13 How do we get previously existing groups to become “official” Small Groups so we can include them on our website and app? They are nomads and we love to start walking beside them.
14 What’s one thing you would do differently if you could go back to your first day over groups?
15 How do we create a church culture of groups?
16 Top tips for getting long-time groups to multiply
17 What is the outcome or “win” of a group?
18 Can Adult Sunday School work with small groups?
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