Listen in to the slightly, but necessary dragged out trailer about this world we are opening up. It's about time we discussed the crazy journeys and conflicts that artists go on. The massive downs and huge ups. The judgement placed on us by those that don't understand why we are following a creative path.
We know so many people who are making art or facilitating creatives in some way. I realised that I have been a student of this question with many of my arty friends for a while. I also see that i have gained so much value from it. So, we want to bring the conversations me and my colleagues find so fascinating into the public domain and share it with as many artists and creative industry professionals as possible. First episode comes out on Wednesday 17th May with a very special guest! Listen to the TRAILER!
Podcast brought to you by
Thanks to Owen Cox - Producer
Hosted by Brett Leboff
Trailer Music ‘Song for the Silver Surfer - PolSKy
jingle music - ‘Song for the Silver Surfer’ PolSKy - Aphrodite Remix
for more PolSKy click HERE