'Tis the season for corporate shilling! Wyatt and Frankie Sparks (@shoottheflick) chat about Disney's first two network television specials for NBC and CBS. There's a lot to unwrap with these gifts, so pop open a bottle of Coke and enjoy.
Opening Music: "Dreams from Yesteryear" by Ankari
Disney History Institute. “Seasonal - One Hour in Wonderland.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Dec. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3V4JCgnCQ8&t=1263s.
erhoyt. “Variety (December 1951) : Variety : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet Archive, New York, NY: Variety Publishing Company, 26 June 2017, archive.org/details/variety184-1951-12/page/n242/mode/1up.
Kaufman, J. B. “Chapter 14: Television.” The Fairest One of All: The Making of Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Walt Disney Family Foundation Press, San Francisco, CA, 2012, p.276-277. Book.
Lowry, Brian. “R.I.P., Variety TV Critic Tony Scott: 1923-2009.” Variety, Variety, 8 July 2009, variety.com/2009/voices/opinion/rip-variety-tv-critic-tony-scott-19232009-5386/.
Peter Pan. Audio commentary by Kathryn Beaumont, directed by Jackson, Walt Disney Animation Studios / Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2002. DVD.
Sampson, Wade. “The First Disney Television Christmas.” MousePlanet, 24 Dec. 2008, mouseplanet.com/the-first-disney-television-christmas/2311/.
Upperco, Jackson. “Inside the Magic Mirror: A Look at Disney’s Pre-Disneyland TV Specials.” Jacksonupperco.Com, 27 Apr. 2018, https://jacksonupperco.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/upperco-inside-the-magic-mirror-april-2018_watermark-copypdf.pdf.
waku’s archive. “One Hour in Wonderland - Live Segments (1080p).” YouTube, YouTube, 4 Apr. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEvEsEMnwqU.
Walt’s Vault+. “Walt Disney Christmas Show (1951, CBS, 16mm) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet Archive, 17 Nov. 2023, archive.org/details/walt-disney-christmas-show-1961-cbs-16mm.
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