Artists Paul Roustan, Alexa Meade, and Daniel Ibanez join me this week and show us a bunch of their artwork and tell the stories behind them.
We close out the show with our Google+ Discoveries: Grant Collier, Rolfe Bautista, and Reuben Negron.
Bonus Notes:
- Charity Paul talked about where you can get a print of his for donating:
- Awesome time travel movie I recommend: Primer. Give it your full attention otherwise you might miss something :)
- Barry Glassman, a colorblind photographer, of is looking to pay someone to help him process photos. Go check him out if you are interested! For a Good Cause! Get a rare print & help him pay his mortgage! This gentleman has come upon hard times and is selling a very rare #1 of 50 signed limited edition 24x36" metal print of my "Bamboo Forest":
Thanks again to +Leo Laporte +Tony Wang and +Dave Veffer for producing/broadcasting.
Host: Trey Ratcliff
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