After a frustrating injury break, Bruce Hopkins is back on the trail once more, beginning again from where he was forced to stop.
Te Araroa - Take Two!
Bruce Hopkins is back on the trail after a two-week injury break.
He picks up where he left off, on the beach at Marsden Point and aiming to make it to Auckland by the end of the week.
His infected shin is still sore and his left little toe has made it quite clear that it doesn't want to walk the length of the country, but with so many obstacles overcome and so many good people there to help him, could anything stop Bruce now?
Bruce Hopkins Trail Diary - Week Six, 17 - 24 November 2017
Marsden Point - Auckland
"I've enjoyed whiling away the hours resting up in my wee hobbit hole in Auckland but I'm ready to get going now.
"From time to time my daughter Francesca shares an opinion that resonates with me as being wise. When I said to her I was keen to start again last Wednesday, she replied 'Dad, add two days to whatever date you think you want to start' and I could tell she was correct. I restarted Te Araroa - New Zealand's Trail on Friday 17th November.
"My old mate Noel McLeod drove me up to Marsden Point on Friday 17 November and I got started at about 10am.
"The trail just keeps on giving; the good, the bad and the ugly. The shin's still pretty ugly but that matches the rest of the body!
"Te Araroa Trail, here we come - Take Two!"
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