
  • E9: Purpose & Happiness
    Feb 1 2025

    Dr. Bower explores the connection of purpose to living a life of happiness. We will unpack the importance of considering happiness for yourself vs. connecting with others. Some surprising research will give insights into how you can to live a more purposeful life!

    Dr. Tracy Brower is a sociologist studying work life fulfillment, happiness and the future of work. She is the author of two books. The Secrets to Happiness at Work provides insights for joyful work and life. Bring Work to Life by Bringing Life to Work provides fresh perspectives and alternative ways to consider and achieve work-life “balance” (hint: it’s not about balance, it’s more than that). Tracy is also a senior contributor for Forbes and a contributor to Newsweek and Fast Company, and the Vice President of Workplace Insights for Steelcase.

    To learn more about Dr. Bower, please visit:

    Dr. Bowers' Books:
    The Secrets to Happiness at Work
    Bring Work to Life by Bringing Life to Work

    Please note the time stamps for podcast content:
    5:20 - Concepts - Myths of Happiness at Work
    6:00 - Concepts - Create Conditions for Happiness
    8:30 - Research - Commitment to a purpose in life: An antidote to the suffering by individuals with social anxiety disorder - Kashdan & McKnight (2013)
    9:40 - Research - Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing - White et al. (2019)
    11:20 - Concepts - Harm of Social Comparison
    12:30 - Primer for E10 - Purpose in Practice (w/ Jeff Wang)
    14:00 - Concepts - 3 Aspects of Purpose
    18:15 - Concepts - Passions (Individual) vs. Purpose (Societal)
    24:20 - Concepts - Different Ways of Experiencing Happiness
    27:10 - Strategy - Making a Commitment / Take Action
    28:30 - Strategy - Do Things You're Passionate About
    31:00 - Research - Memorability shapes perceived time (and vice versa) - Ma et al. (2023)
    33:00 - Concepts - How to Create Conditions for Happiness
    35:10 - Adult Strategies - Presence. Eliminate Distractions. Validate. Ask Questions. Be Transparent About Our Own Experience.
    39:30 - Personal Strategy - Gratitude. Making Knowledge Accessible
    44:00 - Concepts - How to Make Choices to Move On (How Much Can I Influence/How Big is this Issue)
    48:30 - Personal Strategy - Weekend Naps. Walks with Audiobooks
    49:00 - Research - Influence of mid-afternoon nap duration and sleep parameters on memory encoding, mood, processing speed, and vigilance - Leong et al. (2023)

    Special thanks to musical artists:
    Psalm Trees: https://psalmtreesbeats.bandcamp.com/
    Homage: https://homagebeats.bandcamp.com/

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

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    51 min
  • E8: Neuroscience on Anxiety
    Jan 15 2025

    Dr. Luke unpacks a number of concepts around the neuroscience of anxiety. We dive into understanding how the brain functions around fear and anxiety.

    Chad Luke holds a Ph.D. in counselor education from the University of Tennessee, and teaches at St. Bonaventure in Saint Bonaventure, NY. Dr. Luke is also a licensed professional counselor and an approved clinical supervisor, whose writing has appeared in the International Journal for Education and Vocational Guidance and the Journal of Counseling and Development. He has authored more than 20 journal articles, book chapters, and books. He is a member of the American Counseling Association and the Tennessee Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.

    To learn more about Dr. Wilkinson, please visit:

    Please note the time stamps for podcast content:
    3:30 - Idea - Culture of Childhood & Adolescence
    6:30 - Idea - A Culture of Fear
    8:50 - Concepts - Anxiety vs. Fear
    11:40 - Concepts - Brain Functioning for Anxiety vs. Fear
    16:00 - Concepts - Understanding the Fear Response
    21:10 - Concepts - Retraining the Brain for Anxious Responses
    27:00 - Concepts - Relationship of Thoughts and Emotions
    32:00 - Concepts - The Importance of Play
    32:00 - Research - The Power of Play: A Pediatric Role in Enhancing Development in Young Children - Yogman et al. (2018)
    35:30 - Strategy - Familiarity with Nervous System
    42:00 - Strategy - Slowing Down to Build Emotional Awareness
    43:55 - Strategy - Shifting Into Neutral
    49:10 - Research - Activities and Programs That Improve Children’s Executive Functions - Diamond (2012)
    58:30 - Adult Strategy - Seek Authentic Connections
    73:00 - Adult Strategy - Seek Finding a New Connection
    78:30 - Personal Strategy - Act Don't Think!

    Special thanks to musical artists:
    Psalm Trees: https://psalmtreesbeats.bandcamp.com/
    Soii: https://soii.bandcamp.com/

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

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    1 h et 21 min
  • E7: Constructing Emotions & Their Value for Our Lives
    Jan 1 2025

    Dr. Wilkinson explores two theories for constructing emotions and their value in interpreting emotions. We pull apart key ideas of each theory to explore how they can me utilized for improving our emotional lives.

    Dr. Brett Wilkinson serves as Director of the Counselor Education program, founding Director of the PFW Institute for Counseling Research (ICR), and Editor-in-Chief for the ACA's national Journal of Humanistic Counseling. A Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), he earned Bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Kentucky and a Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Eastern Kentucky University. His doctoral degree in Counselor Education and Supervision is from the University of Northern Colorado with a cognate in couples and family counseling.

    To learn more about Dr. Wilkinson, please visit:

    Please note the time stamps for podcast content:
    2:10 - Research - More than a feeling: Constructing emotion in theory and practice - Givens & Wilkinson (2020)
    2:50 - Concepts - Natural Kind Emotions & Constructed Emotions
    4:20 - Concepts - Natural Kind Emotions
    5:40 - Concepts - Theory of Constructed Emotions
    9:05 - Concepts - Cultural Interpretation
    12:20 - Concepts - Positive Cultural Interpretations
    13:30 - Example - Friend Problems (from Natural Kind Viewpoint)
    21:00 - Example - Friend Problems (from Constructed Emotions Viewpoint)
    25:00 - Idea - Emotions and Teenagers
    28:10 - Idea - Body & Mind Distinctions and Cultural Values
    31:00 - Example - Paying attention to body sensations around Depression
    38:45 - Strategy - The Importance of Pausing
    41:55 - Strategy - Giving Space to Feel Emotions (Modeling)
    44:40 - Adult Strategy - Giving Space for Context
    49:00 - Idea - Regulating when we become Dysregulation
    50:35 - Strategies - Noticing vs. Rationali
    61:00 - Personal Strategy - Exercise
    62:30 - Personal Strategy - 5 Minutes of Breathing
    63:30 - Book - Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art - James Nestor
    64:10 - Personal Strategy - Creative Music

    Special thanks to musical artists:
    Psalm Trees: https://psalmtreesbeats.bandcamp.com/
    HVYEVY: https://hvyevy.bandcamp.com/

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

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    1 h et 7 min
  • E6: Marijuana & It's Myths
    Dec 15 2024

    Dr. Becker leads a conversation about marijuana and its myths. He explores the decades of research that he compiled in his book, Whoa Dude. We discuss common myths and important ideas when considering how to approach use, regardless if its in an abstinence or harm reduction model.

    Dr. Kevin G. Becker - Is a scientist and researcher. He received a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1989 in Molecular Biology and Genetics. He spent 30 years as a scientist in the Intramural Research Program of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. This included postdoctoral fellowships at the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, Neurological Diseases and Stroke, and The National Human Genome Research Institute. He was a Staff Scientist at the National Institute on Aging for over 20 years. A majority of his work focused on gene expression and application in various areas. He is an author or co-author on over 300 peer reviewed scientific publications.

    To learn more about Dr. Becker, please visit:

    To explore references mentioned in todays conversation and Dr. Beckers Book, please visit:

    Please note the time stamps for podcast content:
    14:00 - Models for Substance Use
    6:50 - Marijuana Is Stronger Now
    15:30 - Gateway Hypothesis for Marijuana
    19:50 - Common Myths of Marijuana
    23:20 - Is Marijuana Addictive?
    29:30 - Industrialization of Marijuana and it's Concentration
    34:20 - Critical Thinking Around Usage
    35:50 - Impact of Marijuana on the Brain
    41:30 - Strategies - Trusting Your Gut
    46:00 - Deciphering Research on Marijuana
    48:20 - Strategies - Courage / Making Decisions for Yourself
    48:20 - Parent Strategies - Open Communication
    51:50 - Parent Strategies - Thought on Encouraging Non-Use
    59:30 - Wellness Strategy - Exercise

    Special thanks to musical artists:
    Psalm Trees: https://psalmtreesbeats.bandcamp.com/
    ohricky: https://ohrickybeats.bandcamp.com/

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

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    1 h et 6 min
  • E5 - Creatorhood and Synchronicity: A Beatmakers Walk with Creativity (In Practice)
    Dec 1 2024

    Dalton Welsh is 1/2 of the beatmaking collaborative Open Contact. He opens up about creativity, synchronicity, and connection as a beatmaker. Through the practice of mindfulness, Open Contact explores processing emotion and connection. This is the first In-Practice feature, focusing on Dalton's personal experiences.

    Dalton Welsh. Open Contact is a collaboration-based multimedia collective. Dalton is one half of the collective, residing in Fort Wayne, IN. Together with his creative partner, Andy Ong, they are working on creating a meditative sound that extends beyond the boundaries of music. Open Contacts’ creations are produced in healing frequencies, specifically designed to serve as a meditative guide.

    To learn more about Open Contact, please visit:

    Please note the time stamps for podcast content:
    10:20 - Song - Open Contact - Changes
    13:30 - Reference - Creativity and Well-being: A Meta-analysis - Acar et al. (2020)
    13:30 - Reference - The impact of creative initiatives on wellbeing: a literature review - McLellan et al. (2012)
    14:20 - Reference - Unpublished Episode with Musician, Show You Suck
    23:00 - Strategies - Taking Time for Yourself
    26:25 - Strategies - Taking a Novel Approach or Path to Do Something
    40:30 - Parent Strategies - Create caring environment that fosters creativity. See your child can teach you things.
    47:45 - Personal Strategy - Breathwork
    49:30 - Reference - A historical and critical analysis of park prescriptions - Joy James et al. (2019)
    55:50 - Song - Open Contact - Thru Me

    Special thanks to musical artists:
    Psalm Trees: https://psalmtreesbeats.bandcamp.com/
    Open Contact: https://opencontact.bandcamp.com/

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h
  • E4: Motivation & Emotions
    Nov 6 2024

    Dr. Mary Lamia talks motivation. She explores the connection of emotions to getting things done. In this conversation, Dr. Lamia articulates how emotions are pivotal for understanding how to motivate yourself and navigate through life's demands.

    Mary Lamia, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and author. She is a professor at the Wright Institute in Berkley, CA. She also works with adults, adolescents, preteens, and couples in her Marin County private practice. Her blogs on Psychology Today, Thrive Global, and PsychWire, along with extensive media interviews and commentaries, explore her deep understanding of emotions and its role in who we become.

    To learn more about Dr. Lamia's works, please visit:

    Please note the time stamps for podcast content:
    4:15 - Motivation - Task-Orientation and Procrastination
    9:30 - Emotions Drive Motivation
    16:30 - Shame and Failure
    18:00 - Compass of Shame
    19:30 - Shame
    26:00 - Emotions, Shame, and Fear of Failure
    31:32 - Motivation for Students
    33:10 - Manipulating Your Emotions
    33:35 - Parents: Motivating Your Student
    39:30 - Dr. Lamia: Interests & Wellness Strategies
    45:38 - Becoming a Better Task-Oriented Person or Procrastinator
    52:20 - Anxiety is Your Friend

    Special thanks to musical artists:
    Psalm Trees: https://psalmtreesbeats.bandcamp.com/
    Open Contact: https://opencontact.bandcamp.com/

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

    Voir plus Voir moins
    56 min
  • E3: Pedagogy of Joy
    Sep 29 2024

    Tom James highlights different practices that influence his school's continued emphasis on a 'pedagogy of joy.' From his perspective as assistant division head, he explores ideas and practices to increase joy in schools.

    Tom James is the Assistant Division Head of High School at The Grace Church School in Manhattan, New York. He's an educator of 12th years, having taught math in public, charter, and independent schools. He has also served as a math department chair and DEI coordinator.

    To read more on articles discussed in this conversation, please see titles below:
    16:42 - Johnson, 2019 - Joy: a review of the literature and suggestions for future directions
    23:25 - Jerrim, 2022 - The power of positive emotions? The link between young people’s positive and negative affect and performance in high-stakes examinations
    23:50 - Valiente et al., 2012 - Linking Students’ Emotions and Academic Achievement: When and Why Emotions Matter

    Journaling App noted by Tom James
    48:12 - Day One - Journaling App

    Special thanks to musical artists:
    Psalm Trees: https://psalmtreesbeats.bandcamp.com/
    Chris Keys: https://chriskeys.bandcamp.com/

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

    Voir plus Voir moins
    52 min
  • E2: Absenteeism in Schools
    Sep 1 2024

    This session Dr. David Naff talks over key points from a recent research brief on student absenteeism. He highlights key trends and factors that impact absenteeism, then engages on ideas to help increase student attendance.

    Dr. David Naff is the director of the Metropolitan Education Research Consortium (MERC) at VCU. Prior to starting a running MERC, Dr. Naff was a school counselor in North Carolina.

    To read more on MERC projects and the MERC research brief on student absenteeism:
    Strategies for Addressing Chronic Absenteeism in the Post-Pandemic Era: //scholarscompass.vcu.edu/merc_pubs/135/
    MERC Website:

    Special thanks to musical artists:
    Psalm Trees: https://psalmtreesbeats.bandcamp.com/
    Probably Not Famous IV: https://www.probablynotfamous.com/

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

    To provide suggestions for new topics in future episodes, visit:

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 7 min