
  • S3-EP15-Let’s Talk Power of Vision with Lucinda Cross
    Sep 25 2023

    This week, Marissa sits down to talk with the visionary President and Founder of Activate Worldwide LLC, Lucinda Cross. Lucinda opens with an energetic introduction and speaks about the shift that has been most impactful in her life (5:04). She then gets real about the role of outsider opinions on the things you should have done in your life (9:15). Lucinda reveals to Marissa how she made impactful change after federal prison (11:40) and broke away from what she knew, overcoming her fear of something greater (18:40). Marissa continues the conversation by asking Lucinda if she ever got stuck along her journey (19:30), to which Lucinda opens up about how manifestation techniques delivered her from the rut she found herself in. She closes the topic with the statement that it takes the same amount of energy to manifest an apartment as it does to manifest a mansion (23:47).

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    42 min
  • S3-EP14-Let’s Talk Breaking Church Rules with Janice Roberson-Anderson
    Sep 18 2023

    This week, Marissa sits down to talk with the inspiring CEO of Moruwa Consulting and the founder of Significant Life, Janice Roberson-Anderson. Janice begins the discussion with her greatest passion right now: working as the founder of Significant Life, a community for high performing women who love Jesus and want to lead and serve from an anchored place, which Janice defines as being grounded while having the courage to come undone when needed (6:03). Marissa then asks Janice to talk about her greatest shift and Janice gets real about her relationship with the Church and how learning to be a rule-breaker instead of a rule-follower changed her life (16:02). She reveals that a conversation with her First Lady at the time freed her to make this shift, giving her the courage to change her mind and make different decisions (18:10). Marissa brings the discussion full circle by bringing up the importance of being anchored in these times of shift, to which Janice responds with three core attributes of an anchored life: sacred self-perception, life-giving connections, and the space to make an irreplaceable change in the world (30:26). Janice can be found on all social media platforms at @janiceanderson.

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    37 min
  • S3-EP13-Let’s Talk Shame with Britney Harris
    Sep 11 2023

    This week, Marissa sits down to talk with the Entrepreneur, Keynote Speaker, and super-(s)hero, Britney Harris. Britney starts the discussion with her most transformational shift: gaining the courage to push back her shame and talk about her abortion in college (11:12). Britney tells Marissa that she chose to open up because she wished she had other women around her who were talking about their stories and she felt as if she was not telling her complete story (13:00) Marissa continues the conversation by bringing up shame and hush cultures, specifically the Church and the Black community (16:58). Britney then reveals that being courageous is the presence of audacity, which for her manifested as sharing her story with others (18:30). Britney wraps up the conversation with her advice for others: to do the best with what you have and what you know (27:32), silence the voices around you (28:36), and call in reinforcements who will hold space for you (34:29). Britney can be found on social media at @bmpowered2.

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    37 min
  • S3-EP12-Let’s Talk Beating Cancer with Lindsey Walker
    Aug 28 2023

    This week, Marissa sits down to talk with the ultimate powerhouse, Publicist and Author Lindsey Walker. Lindsey begins by opening up with Marissa about her cancer journey and the accompanying shifts over the past 5 years (8:02). She recounts how tapping into the holy spirit helped her achieve what once felt impossible and bolstered her persistence through extenuating circumstances (11:40). Lindsey then shifts to telling Marissa about the importance of rest in recovery, emphasizing its effects on mental health, especially within the black woman community (16:06). Lindsey’s journey of recovery prompted her to write a book, guiding women through difficult processes and broadening their mental fortitude in these tough times (21:39). Lindsey closes her discussion with a look at the present role of social media in the over-relaxation of the younger generation (25:48). Lindsey can be found on her Instagram page at @lindseyawalker.

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    34 min
  • S3-EP11-Let’s Talk Health Scares & Self Worth with Dr. Omolara Thomas Uwemedimo
    Aug 21 2023

    This week, Marissa sits down to talk with Dr. Omolora Thomas Uwemedimo of Melanin & Medicine. Dr. Omolora is not new to life shift, she's true to it. She starts the conversation by sharing with Marissa everything she knows to be true about shifting and dives deeper into what she feels to be the most transformational shift to date (4:19). When Dr. Omolora found herself suddenly hospitalized and unable to walk, she had to quickly reevaluate everything she once thought about her self worth and her true meaning in the workplace (7:00). Dr. Omolora recalls a moment where she prayed to God for clarity on how to execute the vision she knows she's called to do (12:49). She gets real about the difficulty of asking for help in the medical profession and talks about the moment she stepped out on faith and decided that it actually was okay to need help to reach your full potential (20:26). Often times, high achievers hold business as a badge of honor, but Marissa and Dr. Omolora relate to each other while discussing the importance of slowing down and valuing yourself (22:26). Dr. Omolora then reflects on the time in her life where she felt the most free and dives deep into the importance of determining your own course in life in order to find the happiest version of yourself (34:19).

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    40 min
  • S3-EP10-Let’s Talk Job Loss with Markeith Braden
    Aug 14 2023

    This week, Marissa sits down to talk with transformational speaker Markeith Braden. Marissa begins the chat asking Markeith about the most disruptive shift in his life and he opens up about his experience being laid off (4:27). Markeith details the transformational decision of choosing to be excited about this unexpected shift (9:25). He then details the realities of being the oldest of 4 siblings and seen in the family as the "responsible one" during a time of such uncertainty (10:16). Markeith opens up about the dangerous cycle of constantly planning but never taking action (16:29). The two chat about how deceiving it could be when finding success in the wrong assignment and how that can distract you from living in your true purpose (24:45). Markeith then opens up about how, although he's come a long way on his journey, he's still working on embracing his greatness and accepting his calling (29:20).

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    41 min
  • S3-EP09-Let’s Talk Friendship + Community with KeAnna Daniels and Bridget Flaherty
    Aug 7 2023

    This week, Marissa sits down to chat with podcast hosts KeAnna Daniels and Bridget Flaherty. From the outside looking in, the two seem like an unlikely pair, but they quickly explain why they are actually a perfect match based on what's inside their heart. They utilize this time to stress the importance of finding your tribe (6:50). KeAnna then takes time to share her most impactful shifts over the course of her life and what led her to this place in her life (13:50). Marissa shares insight from what she has learned from her own shift journey, and emphasizes the difference between running towards something and running from something (24:19). Marissa then turns to Bridget and gives her an opportunity to chat about her impactful life shifts and the importance of mental health (27:19). The two reflect on how they found each other and what their partnership has done to take their lives to the next level (31:58).

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    41 min
  • S3-EP08-Let’s Talk Husband Do-Overs: Marrying the Same Man Twice with Dr. Shamieka Dean
    Jul 24 2023

    This week, Marissa sits down with award winning marketing solutionist and thought leader, Dr. Shamieka Dean. Shamieka starts off by sharing with Marissa what she believes to be her most impactful life shift; divorcing and remarrying the same man (4:16). She then breaks down the marriage timeline of how they went from divorced to re-engaged and the things that she intentionally prayed for before going to the alter again (8:26). Shamieka gets honest with Marissa about her role in the separation and how she often used her gift, words, against her husband (12:05). She reflects on the stages of her new marriage, from honeymoon to growing together again, and how they handled it better this time around (15:07). Marissa asks Shamieka to share how she found the balance between her new normal as entrepreneur and newlywed (21:42). Shamieka closes with advice that she would give a woman in the same position she found herself in many years ago: how to have it all (25:47).

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    34 min