
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Psychological Flexibility During Times of Adversity
    Feb 2 2025

    Psychological flexibility is beneficial during times of adversity because when things seem out of control, experiencing, monitoring, and managing our reactions may be challenging but not impossible. It's easy and normal to become overwhelmed in times like these so stay attuned to how your system is responding. Psychological flexibility entails being mindful and taking care of your well-being which includes but is not limited to accepting and managing difficult emotions, handling setbacks, and finding meaning and purpose in the midst of life's circumstances. Please take care of yourselves, you're the only you we have in this world. We need you so take care and protect your wellbeing. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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    36 min
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Let Not Your Heart Be Trouble...But It Is!
    Jan 26 2025

    Let not your heart be trouble maybe a difficult pill to swallow in times like these. Some have expressed experiencing fear and anxiety, while others have opted to avoid or even deny some of the realities taking place in their lives. The question becomes, how do we navigate and manage difficult times, so they do not manage or overwhelm us? According to Goldman, psychological flexibility entails three components: Being present, openness, and acceptance. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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    34 min
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Blessed Are The Flexible...
    Jan 19 2025

    Goldman defines psychological flexibility as "staying in the present moment and being open to experiencing whatever thoughts or feelings may arise, and then take action that is aligned with our values." There are many demands placed on individuals' lives and learning ways to navigate such situations can induce stress and anxiety. Psychological flexibility allows individuals to adapt and react to life's changes and transitions in healthy and helpful ways that enhances their well-being. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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    33 min
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Why Despise Small Beginnings?
    Jan 5 2025

    Happy New Year! Each New Year brings a sense of hope, expectation, dread, fear, and even anxiety. In our efforts to cope with these various emotions, we may create resolutions and intentions as an insurance policy for the upcoming year. We may construct grand intentions often neglecting and negating the small beginnings to obtain our goals. We may adopt the mentality that big is always better and small is insignificant. However, small beginnings can be just as important, valuable, and meaningful. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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    33 min
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: "The Personal Is Political"
    Nov 4 2024

    "The personal is political." Where you live and how you live is informed by politics. We live in this world and have a responsibility to friends, families, neighbors, and our ancestors. We are not above politics because we're steeped in it. If you've tuned out, please tune back in and do your due diligence to learn about the issues and the candidates. Then take action to ensure that your vote becomes your voice. Then go one step further to ensure someone else takes that same action. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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    34 min
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Election Time--Have You Conducted a Mental Health Check-In Lately?
    Oct 26 2024

    Many may be feeling intense emotions regarding the 2024 election cycle and as a result, anxiety and worry maybe all too consuming. This presents an opportune time to re-emphasize my mini mental health check-in. The mini mental health check-in consists of four simple questions: How am I really doing, What am I experiencing, How am I experiencing it, and What do I need? These simple questions may provide beneficial insight into what's happening in your system and what is needed to assist in optimal functioning during this season. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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    36 min
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Strategies for Dealing With Trust Issues Part 2
    Oct 6 2024

    In a society where so much misinformation abounds, it's understandable why individuals experience trust issues. Sometimes trust issues may mean the difference between a healthy versus a toxic relationship. Addressing trust issues includes the following: Awareness, honesty, openness, and yes, vulnerability. There are some strategies to assist in this process If individuals are willing to work on and through their issues. Listen, these strategies do not include leaving ourselves open to be taken advantage of, it entails a balanced approach to improving our quality of connecting and living. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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    35 min
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Strategies for Dealing with Trust Issues
    Sep 29 2024

    Although trust is considered an anchor of interpersonal relationships, many individuals may struggle with trust issues. There are many causes of trust issues and understanding them is the first step to working through them. Subsequent steps are also needed to work through them. According to one article, such strategies include understanding risks and taking emotional risks and comprehending the manifestation of trust issues in individuals' lives. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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    35 min