Elias Patras is a Best-Selling Author, Intuitive Motivator, Psychic Medium, and Motivational Speaker, as well as a Retreat and Workshop Facilitator. He combines years of Intuitive Work and Life Coaching with Teaching to support others on their journey of self-development; so they can CONNECT with their goals, EDUCATE themselves through their blocks, and GROW in their limitless possibilities. He has studied energy work for over 20 years and now co-facilitates an Earth Honoring Altar apprenticeship program after completing a Peruvian Shamanic Studies apprenticeship. Elias won the 2019 Celebrate Your Life Speaker Program and shared the Sedona stage with many well-known people: Denise Linn, Lisa Williams, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Neale Donald Walsch, Anita Moorjani, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Sunny Dawn Johnston. He has trained with several internationally known psychic mediums: John Holland, Lisa Williams, Tony Stockwell, and Dougall Fraser. Elias’ mission is to help others understand and tap into their own intuition and inner voice. He believes the key to personal growth is listening for and connecting to the signs and signals that we receive. His commitment and passion are unmistakable in his teaching of content that promotes growth and exploration of self. This work has a clear focus on how we co-create our life with the Divine and deserve everything that we want for our highest good. He is also the creator of a very specialized line of Energy Balancing Sprays and Bath Salts to enhance balance and alignment of the mind, body, and spirit. Eliashas a new book “Changing the F-You to Thank You, How to Flip the Script and See the Gift”. Contact Elias Patras: www.EliasPatras.com (website) www.YouTube.com/c/EliasPatras (YouTube) From the Universe to Our Hearts (book) I am also in 2 collaboration books, Courageous Heart and Own Your Awesome 3 Retreats coming up in Mechanicsville Iowa, also I am a Keynote Speaker on Spirit Heart Cruise in December (Mayan Ruins) Your Inner Voice (podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, or go to MindBodySpirit.fm) Dr. Kimberley Linert Speaker, Author, Broadcaster, Mentor, Trainer, Behavioral Optometrist Event Planners- I am available to speak at your event. Here is my media kit: https://brucemerrinscelebrityspeakers.com/portfolio/dr-kimberley-linert/ To book Dr. Linert on your podcast, television show, conference, corporate training or as an expert guest please email her at incrediblelifepodcast@gmail.com or Contact Bruce Merrin at Bruce Merrin’s Celebrity Speakers at merrinpr@gmail.com 702.256.9199 Host of the Podcast Series: Incredible Life Creator Podcast Available on... Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/incredible-life-creator-with-dr-kimberley-linert/id1472641267 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DZE3EoHfhgcmSkxY1CvKf?si=ebe71549e7474663 and on 9 other podcast platforms Author of Book: "Visualizing Happiness in Every Area of Your Life" Get on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3srh6tZ Website: https://www.DrKimberleyLinert.com Please subscribe, share & LISTEN! Thanks. incrediblelifepodcast@gmail.com Social Media Links LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-kimberley-linert-incredible-life-creator/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimberley.linert/ The Great Discovery eLearning Platform: https://thegreatdiscovery.com/kimberley l