
  • Baby Moses Exodus 1-2
    Jun 11 2022

    What do you want to be when you grow up? There are many options. But, is what we want what God has planned for lives? In today's story, we introduce a character started as a miracle because he was part of God's plan. Who do you know that was born into servanthood and ended up being raised as a prince? Eventually, he became one of the greatest leaders of his time. But that's a different story all together. Get ready and enjoy the beginnings of Moses.

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    20 min
  • Nicodemus And Jesus John 3
    May 14 2022

    Ever wondered if you could know for sure if you can go to Heaven?

    I John 5:13 says, These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.


    God wants us to know how to get to Heaven and on this story we learn about a fellow asking the same question.

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    17 min
  • Abraham And Isaac Test
    May 7 2022

    Faith. It is easy to talk about but to live a life of faith can be a hard thing to do. What do we have faith in and is it worth it?

    Join us as we learn about what Abraham did as a test of faith from God and what happened just in the nick of time for Isaac.

    Early question, what does Jehovah-jirah mean?

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    15 min
  • Jonah Part 2
    Apr 30 2022

    How do we react to being told to do something?

    Is it with a cheerful spirit?

    Learn a valuable lesson from the last two chapters in Jonah and how his reaction was to obedience even after God spared his life and let the "great fish" throw him up.


    Special thanks: John Carmell, Gideon Prudoehl, James Prudoehl, Luke Prudoehl and Prudoehl Kids

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    12 min
  • Jonah And The Whale Part 1
    Apr 23 2022

    Have you ever been told to do something? What was your reaction when you were told to do it and in reality, you didn't want to?

    A thing that we tend to forget about characters in the Bible is that they were not super heroes or some great person better than us. They all faced the same emotions and problems we go through, but we can at least learn from their mistakes and not face the consequences for doing wrong.

    If you can grab your Bible and follow along as we learn about Jonah!


    Credits: Luke Prudoehl, John Cartmell, Gideon Prudoehl, Samuel Prudoehl, Jonathan Cartmell and the Luke Prudoehl Kids

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    15 min
  • Jesus Tempted Matthew 4
    Apr 16 2022

    Jesus, all God and yet all man, was tempted to sin, just like we are at times. In the beginning of this chapter, we see the Devil wanting Jesus to worship him. Does He give into the Devil? In the last half of this chapter, we read of Jesus calling a few men to be His fishers of men. Will you follow Him when He calls you, just as the men in our story do? 


    Credits: Luke Prudoehl, Debbie Prudoehl, Brian Brown and the Luke Prudoehl Children

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    13 min
  • The Story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den
    Apr 9 2022

    Come along with us as we tell the story of Daniel. We will learn about the courage he faced while acknowledging the consequence for obeying God. Was he killed? Was he faithful? Was he saved? Were men's hearts turned to the Lord? Listen to find out and try to answer the questions before the kids do. Go grab your Bible and follow along in Daniel chapter 6.

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    12 min