It has been quite a December. This roller coaster we’ve all been on together has shown one thing more than anything: how amazing it is when people are unified together. Doesn’t it feel great to stand in solidarity with one another? The foundations for restoring trust between each other are finally being laid. What an amazing way to end the year.
In 2025, let’s all forget the past squabbles and divisions. Now is the time we all forgive and forget to move forward together towards something new and something better.
Resolve to be part of the solution, not the problem. Resolve to be a creator, not a destroyer. Resolve to build people up instead of to tear them down. Resolve to see through another’s eyes. Resolve to make every sick person well to the best of our ability. Resolve to give every child MORE opportunities than we had, not less. Resolve to be better, all of us, together.
“It starts with me.” I’m going to say it every day. I encourage you to as well. Meeting and speaking to all of you has made 2024 a year to remember, thank you as always for the privilege of your ear. I’m Jake Meyers, President and Treasurer of A Just This, and I wish you the very best this year and all the years to come.