
  • Responding with Love Rather than Violence | Christian Huff
    Nov 1 2024
    Christian partners with Jonathan “JP” Pokluda, Lead Pastor of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, as well as John Luke, Luke, Reeves, and Jacob to tackle the tough expectations in the later part of the book of Romans. The guys tackle difficult subjects such as alcohol use or other troubling and subjective discussions within Christianity as they relate to fellow brothers and sisters. Christian opens up the discussion of turning the other cheek versus defending one’s values, and Luke illustrates a very recent example of that principle. In this episode: Romans 13-16; 1 Corinthians 1, verses 17-27 -
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    52 min
  • What It Means to Be a Living Sacrifice | Christian Huff
    Oct 25 2024
    Christian, John Luke, Jeffrey, Luke, and Jacob tackle the thorny issues of being a man while submitting to God’s will, transforming one’s behavior to be more like Jesus, and how to follow the laws and leaders of our country even if we don’t vote for them. Christian points out that the worldly view of manhood is not the same as how Jesus teaches men how to be, and the guys discuss how to reconcile politics with a biblical worldview. In this episode: Romans 11, 12, 13; Psalm 22, verse 28 -
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    46 min
  • Salvation is More Than a Moment | Christian Huff
    Oct 18 2024
    Christian, John Luke, and Luke explain their impressions of Romans 10, and they agree that while believing in Jesus is essential, that belief should also make itself evident by one’s behavior and personal transformation. Christian admits to struggling with believing in Jesus as a teenager, while his life didn’t reflect a submission to the Gospel at that point in his life. John Luke cautions against generalizing other people’s faith based on a single point in time, since a relationship with God takes time and discipline to develop. In this episode: Romans 10; James 2, verse 19 -
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    44 min
  • Where Do Free Will & God’s Sovereignty Meet? | Christian Huff
    Oct 11 2024
    Christian, John Luke, Jeffrey, Luke, Parker and Reeves work their way through the rest of Romans 9, exploring difficult ideas like the sovereignty of God and the existence of free will. Jeffrey is convicted by Paul’s heart for the salvation of others and the desperation with which he cared about sharing Jesus. Reeves found his own way to wrap his brain around the concept of God’s will versus his own will, and Christian emphasizes the need for humility in our faith, rather than the arrogance that could so easily come with knowing we’re saved. In this episode: Romans 9, 2 Peter 3, verse 15; Romans 8, verse 28; Romans 11, verses 15-16; Jeremiah 18; Exodus 34, verses 10-14; Deuteronomy 5, verse 22; Genesis 3 -
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    51 min
  • How Can a Comfortable Life Become a Bad Thing? | Christian Huff
    Oct 4 2024
    Christian, Luke, and John Luke are joined by Pastor Earl McClellan of Shoreline City Church in Dallas, Texas, to explore the controversial concepts Paul presents in the latter half of Romans 8. Christian offers a relatable example of how to understand the argument of predestination and free will, and Earl shares a stunning revelation about the deceptive reality of Christian persecution in America. John Luke discusses the importance of context when studying the Bible, and Earl offers guidance on the role of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. In this episode: Romans 8, verses 18-39; Isaiah 11, verse 6; Philippians 4, verses 5-9; Psalm 44, verse 22 -
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    56 min
  • How to See God as a Father | Christian Huff
    Sep 27 2024
    Christian is joined by Luke, John Luke, and Jeffrey to explore what’s widely considered to be one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible, Romans 8. Jeffrey refers to his relationship with his own children to illustrate God’s view of humanity, and John Luke points out that our convictions are guides that help lead us away from sinful paths. Christian argues that feeling convicted by our sins is a mark of authenticity for our faith, and the guys discuss common misconceptions of God made by the worldly. In this episode: Romans 8, Colossians 3, verse 3; 2 Corinthians 10, verse 5 This episode of 4:8 Men is sponsored by: https://www.covenanteyes.com/huff — Try Covenant Eyes FREE for 30 days! https://drinkag1.com/huff — Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 FREE AG1 travel packs with your first purchase! -
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    53 min
  • Are You Feeding Your Spirit or Your Flesh? | Christian Huff
    Sep 20 2024
    Christian, John Luke, and Luke are ready to dive into Romans 7 with founder and lead pastor of Fresh Life Church and a best-selling author, Levi Lusko. Levi takes time to clarify the scriptural references to Jewish law, Roman law, and the New Covenant of Jesus, while John Luke ponders how to fit God’s ideals into modern life in a practical way. Christian points out that turning our hearts toward Jesus doesn’t happen overnight, and a lifetime of sin means we should give ourselves grace when we mess up in our faith walk, and Levi emphasizes that feeling remorse for sins means that God’s spirit is living in us and guiding us toward righteousness. In this episode: Romans 7 -
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    53 min
  • Swimming Against the River of Sin | Christian Huff
    Sep 13 2024
    Christian, Luke, and Paker are joined by lead pastor of Auburn Community Church, Miles Fidell, to discuss the paradoxical nature of Romans 6. Christian wonders about the modern American interpretation of conversion that makes it seem so easy, when in Paul’s time the switch to Christianity often came with steep personal cost. Miles emphasizes that Jesus has already done the work of providing grace, but it’s up to us to make a sacrificial choice every single day to live under that grace. Parker opens up about his past struggles, and the guys agree that living a new life in Jesus often negates the pleasures our old selves reveled in. In this episode: Romans 6; Luke 14 -
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    51 min