
  • EP10 Season Finale - tips and hacks galore
    Apr 29 2021

    The end of the season!? Join me for a dig into the themes and commonalities among the confidence tips from all the brilliant women I caught up with this season.

    Hugs and debitchings...until later this year for Season 2 xx

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    17 min
  • EP9a Your personal brand and how to build it
    Apr 22 2021

    How are you presenting yourself to the world? Are you opening up your windows and yelling good morning to the world, or are you quietly admiring the view? Are you impatient, creating your own stepping stones, or are you patient, waiting for the water to recede? Do you wear clothes to stand out or blend in? Do you choose clothes to look like you’re in the know, or because you like the comfort? All of these things add up to your personal brand. There is no right or wrong, no black and white. It’s about getting ‘conceptual’ about who you are.

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    13 min
  • EP9 Domestic violence, singing vaginas, and women worship with Lauren Derrett
    Apr 22 2021

    The older I get, the more f*cks I give about my community and the planet. When I took myself off the pill last year because I could hear my divine feminine calling me from under many layers of progesterone - her tone sounding rather desperate - I knew it was time to find out more about this washable period product game, and that's how I met this week's fabulous guest...

    Lauren Derrett is mother of 6, author of Filter Free and founder of Wear Em Out washable period products. 

    ‘I’ve created a pretty darn cool, totally reliable and efficient reusable pad for you to use when you period. It’s for all you eco-curious, modern women out there. It’s time to pave the way, set new trends, cross new boundaries, be the influence all while contributing to our shared one home, our innocent and affected planet. ⁠

    Try it, I promise you won’t look back.’

    Take a look here.


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    49 min
  • EP8 Diversity, equity and inclusion in the media with Maxine Penney
    Apr 15 2021

    The words 'diversity and inclusion’ exploded in 2020 after the George Flyod atrocity, so I wanted to chat to a highly experienced (and FABulous) woman working in the media in this role to find out exactly what it means, and how we make changes in our thinking and behaviour.




    Maxine Penney is a creative engineer, born in the UK however 'grew up as an adult' in Amsterdam for the last 12 years. 


    She is a creative connector, storyteller, relationship builder, content maker, natural born seller, radio co-host and social media addict....who created a bespoke creative agency called FreshhhConnections; making introductions to leading companies and the creative community within Amsterdam and Europe. 


    She is now the Culture Manager - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion EMEA & APAC for MediaMonks. 


    Connect with her here:







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    44 min
  • EP8a The unconscious bias' you hold against yourself
    Apr 14 2021

    We are active TRYING to judge people less. We are active trying to stop stereotyping. To stop making assumptions. We are calling each other out, checking ourselves.

    We are doing the work that needs to be done. We are being accountable. We are pushing things forward.

    But I want to ask you something. 

    All this work you’re putting into being a better human, to make sure you’re not assuming, not putting people into boxes, not being a dick, not using senseless labels, how much of this are you putting into practice when you look in the mirror?

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    11 min
  • EP7a The stories we tell ourselves
    Apr 8 2021

    The stories you tell yourself about your past dictate you place in the present, and your direction into the future.

    Where does your story plot on your map? What's in store for you because of how you say things went down?

    You're the author of your story. You can use Tippex if you want to. You can do a re-write.

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    14 min
  • EP7 Bereavement, bravery and business with Claire Gillies
    Apr 8 2021

    Claire Gillies is a 40-something year old mum who loves to cook for her family and friends. She founded Delicious and Real to show people that cooking can be easy. 

    If you plan your meals, you will be able to make more balanced choices; you will save money and you will definitely reduce those dreaded dinner-time dramas!    

    Her business was born from the grief of losing three close family members in quick succession. A truly inspiring story of turning catastrophe into something good.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • EP6a A tidy mind = more control of your life
    Apr 1 2021

    My chat with Tracy the professional organiser made me think about organising the mind, which is a great metaphor to illustrate what the hell the coaching journey is and what Debitching Your brain can do for your sanity and your confidence. 

    With an organised mind, you get to step into your power and create the life you want.

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    14 min