
  • The Heartbeat of Business EP 22
    Jun 10 2022

    The Sales Queen @thejillianmurphy joins Kimberley today to talk all things sales!!

    Jillian Murphy is a highly sought after sales and business mentor who has mastered the art of sales and scaling not only her own business, but has helped hundreds of other online business owners as well.

    With over 20 years of business experience in sales/marketing and growing multiple businesses of her own, she has now made it her mission to help online business owners gain REAL results in sales and messaging. Sales is truly the oxygen of your business and the most important skill any business owner can acquire.

    She has been able to grow her own business from 0 to 6 figures in 1 year; hit her first 6 figure month in 18 months and just under a half million by year 2. All without any fancy systems, ads, or even a website. It was all done with the art of communication and the art of sales!

    Jillian shares the number one thing online entrepreneurs do wrong when approaching the idea of starting a business online - creating a product and selling something to someone who doesn’t need it!

    Goals, and knowing them are also super important, if you want to make $100k a year, and only have one digital product for $97, you are going to have a lot of people coming into your network daily to make that happen.

    Nurturing and growing a community should be the first order of business for any online business/entrepreneur, but this also applies to brick and mortar businesses. Without a sense of connection (which comes with nurture), you will only be “selling”, and thats when it feels sleazy.

    Listen in to all the NUGGETS and REAL TALK, Jillian is a no BS gal, scrappy sassy and all things sales!

    Don't forget to rate and review,

    For more tips on sales (for any industry) follow on IG @thejillianmurphy

    You can find more about Kimberley Valerie, coaching and mentoring at kimberleyvalerie.com or on IG @kimberley.valerie

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    37 min
  • Finding Wealth from Within with Corene Phelps EP 21
    May 27 2022

    Corene Phelps joins in the conversation with Kimberley today to talk about how the key to true wealth and success begins within us. 

    Corene shares from her own personal experience as a single mom, how her driving force was to keep her daughter from feeling the impact of being from a single parent home. 

    This became the driving force for her. The more stressed she felt about needing money, the better she worked. She describes becoming addicted to feeling under duress, feeling the fire under her, when she was buried under a tremendous amount of debt. Which created a long pattern of creating debt and paying it off, and the cycle would repeat. She became super resourceful and creative and really liked that “feeling”. But then she began to imagine what life would be like without the “fire” and how much more fun and successful she could be if she wasn't stressed out. 

    Corene’s financial journey has gone from being heavily in debt, only being able to produce money while under duress, to being able to pay off her debt, connecting from within, finding her own inner value and worth - through tapping into the infinite possibilities of the subconscious mind. 

    Corene is obsessed with tapping into within to find infinite possibilities that are waiting to be discovered. She coaches high performers, visionaries, CEO’s and people who know they are destined for so much more to find their wealth and leadership from within.

    Have a listen, I guarantee you will identify with the conversation and find some takeaways for how you can start growing wealth from within! 

    To find out more about Hypno Breathwork and Corene Phelps head to her IG @corene.phelps

    You can find more about Kimberley Valerie, Wealth, Leadership & Mindset kimberleyvalerie.com or on IG @kimberley.valerie

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    43 min
  • Life Unexpected with Amanda Clark EP 20
    May 13 2022

    Find the guy. Get married. Buy a house. Have kids. That’s what Amanda thought was the “order” of things. Imagine her surprise when at 19, she found herself pregnant, not married and no house. 

    In the episode, Amanda talks about the financial struggles they had as a young family who was thrown into responsibility and routine. Struggling to reinvent herself, the small town struggled to know her as anything but the girl who got pregnant…her now husband, working hard on the daily just make ends meet.

    It all started to take a toll…on them as individuals, but also on their marriage. Amanda thought there has got to be more to life than this…and it was this curious question that started to create unexpected opportunities and the courage to do something different. 

    Building a life you love includes business, and Amanda soon found herself with a very demanding photography business and before too long, she became a burnout out mom, trying to do it all!

    Listen in to find out all the details of how this young mother was able to create a new reality, and keeps finding success amongst the daily challenges that life unexpectedly brings. 

    You can find Amanda Clark on Instagram @amandaclarkstudios

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    38 min
  • Three Factors to Wealth/Success/Opportunities EP 19
    Apr 29 2022

    Join me as I  break down the three most important pillars to creating success and wealth. Being born into chaos and poverty, money and wealth were elusive…but the one thing I learned was that if I wanted it, I needed to go get it! 

    The three things that have impacted me as an entrepreneur, business owner and overall human are personal growth & development, healing and serving. 

    These might not be the top three business/wealth growth tools for everyone, but for this little girl from foster care, I could never ever imagine the life I have now if I had stayed the same. 

    Personal growth leads to new thinking…this is a process, not an event. This takes time. One must learn new ways of thinking and integrating it into life. Confidence is built in this way. As you learn new things, you become more courageous and reach for new opportunities. It is critical for expansion and success. 

    Healing…which is where the real magic is for mindset, money, leadership, internal wholeness…it is the transformation that brings forth new life. This is also attached to personal growth. Be mindful…trauma shows up in our lives in many ways, not always in the ways we think. High performing, goal orientated, highly ambitious…these traits can also be a result of trauma. 

    Serving - it is vital to give back. This helps us to be grounded, to give back and to create a legacy.

    Have something to share, head over to @kimberley.valerie on IG and share your testimony!

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    26 min
  • Faith Deconstruction EP 18
    Apr 20 2022

    Join @andreacrisp and I as we deconstruct parts of our faith journey and how the road to a higher understanding of who God is in our lives isn’t always traveled the same. 

    Andrea shares how she spent many years working at the leadership level inside of organized religion and found herself questioning her purpose, self worth and her own voice. 

    This episode is less to do with God, and more to do how we as humans connect our self worth and purpose with the community we identify with and what happens when you start to question it!

    Reach out and share your journey with us, hello@kimberleyvalerie.com

    You can hear more from Andrea Crisp at her podcast , The Courage Cast, she is a Mindset and Confidence Coach, and can be found on IG at @andreadcrispcoach

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    33 min
  • Getting Weird with Craig Siegel EP 17
    Apr 1 2022
    This is the first guest on The Accidental Millionaire!!! Join Kim as she gets weird with Craig Siegel, a man on a mission to live his life to the fullest and inspire a nation along the way. 

    In this episode, Kim talks to Craig about what compelled him to leave a lucrative career on Wall Street for the personal development world, and how he married his talent for communication with his passion for personal development to find his sweet spot. 

    Craig shares that the thought of returning to Wall Street was so heavy and life sucking, that there was no other option than to bet on himself. And it paid off big time! His podcast, The CLS Experience has over one million downloads (and climbing), along with a booming membership community, mastermind, coaching and a sought after keynote speaker! This guy lights it up! 

    We talk about the energetics involved and how Craig’s first hand experiences about “quantum” energy involved a tumor diagnosis on his foot while training for the Chicago marathon, and how the more he learns and opens himself up to “it”, the more magical life becomes. 

    Inside the episode, Craig leaves tangible strategies that the listener can integrate and use in their own life to see explosive growth and start living a life they LOVE with urgency, passion and fire!!! 

    You can find him at on IG @craigsiegl_cls; The CLS Experience Podcast ; or 


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    39 min
  • Writing Your Story EP 16
    Mar 18 2022

    In this solo episode, Kim talks about the pursuit of a goal she had for almost 20 years. Along the way, she encounters some challenges…putting herself out there in a place where she was out of her league, in a bathing suit, with strangers, about to jump into a pool that terrified her.

    And then the day arrived. Kim shares how she panicked, it was harder than she thought it would be…she was crying, pleading with herself…until finally she decided she would quit…and it was in THAT moment that she saw herself AFTER the event, writing out her story with the words I QUIT.

    There was no way, that she was going to let the words I QUIT be the story of this day and instead of quitting, she carried on, with much more ease and focus, and ended the day successfully.

    Kim gives the listener tangible strategies that they can do when the road to your big goal gets challenging and you want to quit. Have a listen and send your feedback to (Instagram) @kimberley.valerie or on her website kimberleyvalerie.com

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    19 min
  • Millionaire Mindset EP 15
    Mar 4 2022

    In this episode we talk about the difference of playing to WIN versus  playing NOT TO LOSE. Initially this was a hard concept for Darren as he only knows how to PLAY TO WIN. 

    We talk about how this plays out in sports and how when your focus is on playing NOT TO LOSE, you act differently. You become more defensive…and you can’t win if you are always playing defensively. You need to be playing offensively to score! This is the same principle with growing wealth, or anything in life. 

    As usual, this duo has some great laughs while they chat it out…and Kim even shares a super funny (albeit embarrassing for Darren) story about Darren and hockey!!!

    This episode has some takeaways, and even some homework if you dare to get into a millionaire mindset! 

    References to the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset, by T. Harv Eker. Everyone should have one on their shelf!

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    20 min