
  • How’s Your 2022 Going? - Your Mid Year Goal Review.
    Jul 4 2022

    It's half time in 2022, so I wanted to ask you, how is your 2022 to going?

    Is it going according to plan?

    Did you even set a plan in the first place?

    If you keep doing what you're currently doing, where is your 2022 likely to finish?

    Imagine that you're playing a sports game, you're running a race and it's now half time.

    You can't change the first half, but you can influence and make difference to the 2nd half.

    What has gone on in the last six months, you can't do an awful lot about it now. However you can learn from it, you can take any lessons from it, but now you need to apply it to the next six months that you do have remaining, to make this year the best you possibly can, maybe even your best year yet.

    I encourage you to have a little review of the last six months.

    How's it gone?

    What have you enjoyed?

    What are you grateful for in your life?

    Is there, has there been any lessons, any life lessons, any lessons that are going to help you moving forward?

    What significant changes, or subtle shifts can you make that will help you to achieve your desired outcomes this year?

    Or has the year flew by so fast, it almost feels like you haven't even got started yet, in which case, this is a fantastic time to start!

    Decide what do you want to accomplish in the next six months, then have a look at what you can do towards making it happen and then get started!

    So, first of all have that review, where are you currently? What's going on?

    What direction are you heading, if you keep doing what you're currently doing now, where are you likely to keep moving towards?

    Because remember, everything we do is either moving you closer to what we want, or further away from it.

    Review where you're currently heading, review where you've come from and then refocus on what you can do, focus on what your actions you are going to take.

    Ask yourself, is there anything that you need to stop doing, is there anything that you need to keep doing and is there anything that you need to start doing, that’s giong to help you?

    Have that review and debrief with yourself, then shift your focus, realign your mindset, your habits, your behaviours, the actions you take consistently on a daily basis towards the things you want achieve.

    Then imagine that we're having a conversation in six month’s time, and you're looking back, what is it that you would like to have accomplished, to have achieved, to have enjoyed?

    And remember the time is going to pass anyway, we can't control that, but we can choose how we are going to utilize enjoy the time we have available.

    So, I encourage you to take a couple of moments to review how the last six months have gone, and then choose and decide what your intentions are for the six months ahead.

    Feel free to leave me a comment, drop me a message, get in touch and let me know what your biggest lesson has been from 2022 so far.

    And also, what is the number one thing you're looking forward to enjoying and achieving during the rest of 2022.

    Whatever you choose, whatever you decide, I hope in the next six months are productive and massively enjoyable.

    So, choose, decide, and make it happen.

    Remember what your mind believes you will achieve, so allow yourself to think differently, to believe yourself, to take action, so that you can achieve and enjoy the life and the goals that you want.

    Go on...You can do it!

    Wishing you all the best

    Christian Baker

    “Your Mindset Coach”

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    4 min
  • How Many Thoughts Do We Have A Day - What Are You Thinking?
    Nov 2 2021

    What are you thinking about?

    In this episode, I want to encourage you to do one thing, every single day, to help you to move forward in the direction that you want.

    This one thing that can help to improve and change your life.

    And that is to simply to take time every single day, to focus your full attention awareness and your thoughts on what you actually want.

    It's said that we have over 6,000 thoughts every single day, but when was the last time you stopped to think about, to choose, to decide what you want your thoughts to actually be.

    Most of the time we leave our thoughts to chance and just hope for the best, but unfortunately the way the mind works, and human nature is, we tend to think about and dwell too much on what it is that we don't want.

    And if we're repeat that every single day, there's no surprise that we often find ourselves struggling to achieve the outcomes we want.

    If we get more for what we think about, more of what we focus on, it makes perfect sense that if we just helped ourselves to stop, to take a few moments every single day, to focus on what we want, then this can have a positive impact on our life and the results we get.

    Whether you choose to do it first thing in the morning, during the day, last thing at night, just before you go to sleep, start taking time to reflect, to focus, to think about, to wish, to dream about what it is that we actually want and to help your mind focus more on that.

    Remember the sequence, our thoughts lead to our feelings and our feelings lead to our actions, or often our inactions.

    So, if we're not happy with the results that we get and the actions that we're taking in the life, if we're not happy with the way we're currently feeling, then we need to change our thoughts.

    By taking the time to deliberately, with intention, with purpose, to focus every day on what it is that we actually want, then we're helping ourselves to change the way we're feeling and also to help ourselves to enhance our chances of achieving the goals, the results and the outcomes throughout our lives.

    I fully encourage you today, to take on board a new daily habit, to simply take a few moments, to think about, to reflect upon what it is that you want in your life, from your life, what it is that you want to achieve and accomplish.

    You don't have to have all the answers, but just start to think about it, by starting to think differently every day, you're helping yourself move closer.

    Then the compounding effects of doing that consistently, is going to help make a difference for you. So, I encourage you to start think differently.

    Remember what your mind Believes you will achieve. So, allow yourself to think differently, to Believe in yourself so you can achieve the life and the goals that you want.

    Please get in touch, leave a comment and let me know what it is that you're going to choose to think about every single day from now on!

    Go on, start today and see what a positive difference it makes for you.

    Wishing you all the best

    Christian Baker

    “Your Mindset Coach”

    Let’s Stay Connected;

    Podcast – https://the-achieve-podcast.captivate.fm/listen

    Blog http://christianbaker.net/blog/

    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/christianbakertv

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/christianbakernet

    Twitter https://twitter.com/christianbaker

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bakerchristian

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    4 min
  • Learn From Your Mistakes And Keep Going
    Oct 5 2021

    I was making some content just the other day and I kept making mistakes. I kept tripping up. I kept losing my place. I kept forgetting what I was going to say, just not being in the flow. And it, made me think of a conversation I was having a client recently and something I’ve heard people say many times over the years.

    I was having a conversation with a business owner, who was talking about wanting to make some videos for their business, to share content about what they can do and how they can help people in their business sector.

    And he said to me, “oh, I just can't, can't do it, it’s easy for you”, he went on to say it’s easy for me because I’ve been on TV and how it just comes natural to me . But the reality is, like everybody, I'm only human. I haven't and I don't always find being on camera that comfortable and it’s definitely not natural and easy!

    But after years of doing it, after years of practice, after years of putting these videos out there, it does and has got easier, It doesn't mean it's easy, it's just easier.

    This is so true for anything, if there's something you truly want to do to master, to learn, to achieve, you've just got to get started, take consistent action towards making it happen and get more comfortable as you go and as you grow.

    The more we do something the more comfortable we will be and the better we will become!

    Think back over anything you've learned to do in your life. You, you weren't born competent, or an expert in much, but through practice, through perseverance, through tenacity, you just kept going and you got better at it.

    Some things we don't want to master, we just need to do, other things we want to become more proficient and effective in doing it.

    So, my question for you is, “Is there anything that you would like to achieve and accomplish in your life?”

    Imagine if you could just get out of your own way, what is it you would really like to achieve?

    As adults we often get in our own way, that internal voice, that inner critic, gives you a hard time and beats you up and gives you all the reasons why you can't do something.

    We can also get caught in the trap of the curse of comparison, we see other people's highlights, we see how easy other people appear to be doing things, and we think, “oh, that's easy for them”, often followed with all the reasons why we can’t do it ourselves!

    But, what you don't always see is how many outtakes, how many mistakes, how many setbacks, how many bloopers happened in order to get to the point where they're happy to put themselves out there.

    And after working with many professionals in different walks of life, I think that's true for everybody. More often than not, there is so much hard work and effort that goes in behind the scenes that we don’t see

    We simply have to have to practice and persevere and look forward to it getting easier as we go.

    So, if you could turn that inner critic off, if you could get out of your own way, what is it you would like to achieve and accomplish?

    Please leave a comment, get in touch and let me know what one thing that you would really, really like to achieve.

    If you could fast forward to a point in time and you could now be really comfortable doing it, what is it you would really like to do?

    Now it’s over to you to just get started and be consist with your efforts, if you want it enough, you just have to keep going, keep learning from your mistakes and setbacks, and get better as you go!

    I really look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to hearing about your progress, as you start to work towards it now, just take the next step, and the next step and just keep going towards...

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    5 min
  • What Can You Stop Doing For A Better Life
    Sep 30 2021

    What Can You Stop Doing For A Better Life?

    As we get ready to start the brand new month of October, it’s a great opportunity to re-set and refocus, on where we are heading and what we want to Achieve.

    October has become a very popular month, to think about something you'd like to stop doing. For example, we have, Stoptober for those looking to Stop Smoking and Go Sober for October, for those looking to stop drinking alcohol.

    So, I thought I'd asked you today, is there something that you would like to stop doing in your life, that will help improve your life, that will help you to achieve the goals and the results that you want?

    Take some time to think about your habits, your actions, your daily routines, and ask yourself, is there anything that you're doing, that's not moving you forward in the right direction, that’s not in alignment with the goals and results and the life that you want?

    Have a check in with yourself and ask yourself is what I'm currently doing moving me closer to what I want, or further away from it. If it's moving you further away, have a look at some of the things that you're doing and ask yourself, is there something you could stop doing, that's going to help you in your life.

    And it doesn't matter what time of year you're reading, watching or listening to this. It may not be October, it doesn't matter, any day, week, month is a great opportunity for you to stop, to pause, to assess and get clear on what direction your life is going and if what you are doing is helping you or hindering you. And if it's hindering you, maybe look at your habits and behaviours and stop any that aren’t helping you.

    To give you some ideas, here’s a previous post I shared with

    10 Things You Can Stop Doing To Improve Your Life


    Here’s 10 things you can STOP doing to improve your mindset and your life…


    1. Excuses

    2. Self-doubt

    3. Comparing yourself to others

    4. Bad habits

    5. Worrying and overthinking

    6. Negative self-talk

    7. Trying to please everyone

    8. Worrying what others think of you

    9. Stop worrying about things you cannot control

    10. Stop pressing snooze on your goals & start living the life you want

    I hope that gives you some useful ideas for what you can stop to help you in your life.

    Once you've decided what you can stop doing, then ask yourself if there is anything you can start doing that's going to help propel you forward.

    Is there anything you can start doing, that's going to move you forward in the direction that you want to be going in. It doesn't matter how big or small that action might be, but the compounding effects of taking action in the right direction, will help get you there closer than if you just leave it to chance.

    So, that's your action for today's, take a moment to think about, if there is anything you could stop in your life, that’s going to enhance, enrich you and move you forward in the right direction!

    Whatever you decide, let me know what you are going to stop that’s going to help improve your life now.

    Remember, what your mind believes you will achieve, so allow yourself to think differently, to believe in yourself, to take action, so you can enjoy and achieve the life that you want.

    Go on, you can do it!

    All the best


    Mindset Coach

    Let’s Stay Connected;

    Podcast –

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    3 min
  • Mid Year Personal Goal Review And Reset
    Jun 28 2021

    How To Reflect Review And Refocus Mid Year

    I don't know about you, but I think it's astonishing that we're halfway through 20 21 already!

    But as it’s half time in 2021, it’s a great time to pause, to reflect, to take a couple of moments, to look back on the six months that have just passed.

    Regardless of when you're reading this, it's a good thing to do from time to time, to stop, to pause, to check in on where you're heading, where you've come from and just do a bit of a review and a debrief, to discover what you've learned.

    Look at what you've gained and celebrate some of your wins, before you refocus and ensure that you are aligned and working towards achieving the goals and the life that you want to achieve.

    So, take a couple of moments to pause, to think, to stop and look back over the six months that have just passed and ask yourself…

    What have you been grateful for?

    What have you enjoyed?

    What have You learned?

    What have you gained?

    What has gone well?

    What do you wish you had done differently?

    What have been some of your highlights, your highs, your wins?

    And what can you learn from all of this?

    What can you take forward into the next six months, into the second half of this year, to ensure that you finish strong and heading towards achieving what's important to you?

    In Summary…

    First have the review and debrief to see what you can learn and take forward to help gain traction and momentum towards the life and the goals that you want.

    Then ask yourself is there anything you need to stop doing?

    Is there anything that you need to keep doing?

    Is there anything you need to start doing?

    That's going to help you work, move towards the things that you want.

    It’s time to have an honest conversation with yourself, to look at what you're doing, to look at what actions you're taking, what habits you currently have and where your mindset is currently guiding you.

    Imagine if you had a TV crew follow you around for the next six months, what are some of the things that we would find you doing, will your habits and actions be taking you towards, or away from the goals that you say you want to achieve?

    Now take a moment to think about your current mindset and what changes and enhancements you would like to make, that will help you finish the 2nd half of 2021 strong.

    If you were to be looking back on New Year’s Eve at the end of this year,

    What do you want to achieve?

    What do you want to accomplish?

    What do you want to ensure that you did to help yourself get to where you want to be?

    Now choose and commit to what you can do today, in the next few weeks, that your future self will thank you for.

    Please get in touch, leave me a comment and let me know what, not only what you've learned from this half of the year, and what you're planning to do now, to help you to finish strong.

    Remember what your mind believes you will achieve, so allow yourself to think differently, to believe in yourself, to take actions that will help you achieve the life and the goals that you want.

    Go on, take time to make it happen for yourself now!

    All the best

    Christian Baker

    Mindset Coach

    Let’s Stay Connected;

    • Podcast – https://the-achieve-podcast.captivate.fm/listen
    • Blog http://christianbaker.net/blog/
    • YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/christianbakertv
    • Instagram
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    4 min
  • How Do You Motivate Yourself And Others
    May 24 2021

    How Do You Motivate Yourself And Others - Are You An Encourager Or Discourager?

    Hi, I’m Christian Baker from www.ChristianBaker.net and The Achieve Podcast, sharing inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to help you to think differently, to believe in yourself, to take action so you can achieve the life and the goals that you want.

    I came across a quote recently that goes along the lines of,

    "There are two ways of exerting strength, one is to push down, and one is to pull up”

    This got me thinking, this is something that can impact us both internally and externally.

    Firstly, look at the internal, do you focus more on the things that you can't do?

    Do you criticize yourself, is your inner self-talk one that's encouraging you, or belittling you?

    Took a moment to have a think, become aware of what you’re doing and then look at how you can change it for the better.

    Are you suppressing your potential? Are you focusing too much on the negatives, rather than giving yourself the encouragement and taking the time to focus on your strengths, your qualities, and the things that you can do, the things that you can change?

    We can't always change everything, but we can change how we react and respond to it.

    By focusing on the things that we can do, this helps us to move forward in the right direction.

    Now let’s look at this from the External perspective.

    Are you somebody who likes to offer a hand to people?

    Do you like to encourage or discourage people?

    Do you like to bring the best out in people, or are you somebody who criticizes?

    Are you somebody who looks at the negatives and all the reasons why you can't do something?

    Also think about the people you spend time with, do the people around you exert their strength on you in a way that belittles you, that pushes you down. Or do you surround yourself with people who are encouraging and inspiring you, the kind of people that bring out the best in you?

    Have a look at your life, have a look at the way you think, the way you speak and communicate with yourself and others, have a look at the people you spend the time with and ask yourself;

    “Are you pushing down on your personal best, on your success, on your achievement, on the life that you want, or are you pulling up and encouraging yourself from the inside out?”

    Simply become aware of whichever it currently is, once you’ve done that, now look at how you can make some changes to bring the best out of you and the people around you.

    It takes just as much time and energy, so decide which you would rather do and choose to do what will have the most positive impact for you and the people around you.

    Remember what your mind believes you will achieve, so allow yourself to think differently, to believe yourself more, be kind and encouraging to yourself. Then take action so that you can achieve the life and the goals that you want.

    Go on, make it happen!

    Leave a comment or get in touch and let me know how you're going to utilize this in your life moving forward and what a positive difference it makes for you!

    All the best

    Christian Baker

    Mindset Coach

    Let’s Stay Connected;

    Podcast – https://the-achieve-podcast.captivate.fm/listen

    Blog http://christianbaker.net/blog/

    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/christianbakertv

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/christianbakernet

    Twitter https://twitter.com/christianbaker

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bakerchristian

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    3 min
  • Where Is Your Favourite Place In Nature?
    May 13 2021

    #connectwithnature #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawarenessweek

    Where is your favourite place in nature to visit and spend time?

    Pop over to facebook or Instagram and let me know or share a photo in the comments your favourite place.

    • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/christianbakernet
    • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bakerchristian

    All the best


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    3 min
  • Connect With Nature and Come To Your Senses
    May 12 2021

    Connect With Nature and Come To Your Senses

    𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝘀𝗼 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲?

    Connecting with nature allows you to come to your senses.

    Anything that allows you to connect with one or more of your senses, is allowing you to naturally disconnect from the noise and busyness of your mind and day to day life and simply be more present in the moment.

    While you are focused on the nature around, the things you can see, the sounds of the birds, the feeling of the ground beneath your feet, the air temperature against your skin, the scent of your favourite flowers, then you can’t be thinking of anything else.

    𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚-𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩.

    Step outside, pause for a moment and simply notice and tune in to what you can see, hear, and feel around you now.

    How are you going to connect with nature today?

    Get in touch and let me know...

    • Blog http://christianbaker.net/blog/
    • YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/christianbakertv
    • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/christianbakernet
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    #connectwithnature #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalhealthmatters

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    2 min