In "The Adventure Of The House Divided," Frank Race is hired by a wealthy woman to locate her missing husband. As he investigates the case, he finds out that the husband is involved in a real estate scam and that his partner is responsible for his disappearance. The case takes a deadly turn when Race discovers a connection to a series of murders. With the help of his friend, Mark Donovan, Race unravels the mystery and brings the culprit to justice. The episode features thrilling car chases, shootouts, and plot twists that keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
This is just one of hundreds of detective and mystery radio shows available from the golden age of radio that have been digitally remastered at:
In this episode:
- Frank Race
- missing husband
- wealthy woman
- real estate scam
- partner
- disappearance
- murders
- Mark Donovan
- mystery
- justice
- car chases
- shootouts
- plot twists
- thrilling
- investigation
- clues
- suspects
- danger
- suspense
- resolution