Independent Lab testing with tiny worms, that have 66% of the DNA of a human, scientific name, C.Elegans, used for lifespan testing proved Time Reversal Energy in our product significantly extended their youthful vitality, health span and lifespan!
These tiny worms normally have a lifespan of two weeks. They age rapidly. After 5 days they show a big decline in wellness and ability to move. By day 10 they are not healthy and they show almost no movement. Many companies over a period of 20 years have tried and failed to change it.
THE BIG NEWS is… Now, after almost 3 weeks the worms fed with water infused with Time Reversal Energy are still alive and are healthy. They look young.
The worms in the test were given the energy infused into water and mixed into their food. Since they lived longer that proved replacing the energy that declines with aging, with the replacement energy Time Reversal Energy extended their life span.
The product with the most Time Reversal Energy is our Ageless Secret Renewal Support Formula. Now, we claim it supports Aging Better, Renewal, Wellness, Youthful Vitality and maybe Greater Longevity.
NO other product you are using can do all that.