
  • The Importance of Self-Love (Stop CHASING Love & Money!)
    Mar 2 2023

    In this episode, we're gonna be talking about self-love! What is self-love? Why is self-love so important, and how can it help to attract the relationships we want? I believe that we can completely change our lives for the better, once we learn to accept & appreciate ourselves. And once we cultivate this feeling of love for ourselves, that's when incredible things start to magnetize themselves to us! 

    So self-love can be defined in a number of ways and I'm sure it means different things to different people so, in this episode, you're gonna get my take on it. So to me, self-love is when you're in complete acceptance of yourself, and it shows through taking care of your needs and speaking your truth; you notice your inner dialogue, right, your self-talk is mostly positive, you self-empathize more, you forgive yourself for your mistakes, and you become at peace with your past. 

    Self-love also shows through loving your body, feeling a sense of respect for it, You start actually wanting to eat better and move around more because you want to take better care of your body, and that becomes more of a priority for you. So no longer will you feel obligated to focus more on your diet & get more exercise, you'll WANT to do these things. And the whole physical aspect of self-love is not a vanity thing. But it's just a new appreciation for yourself and the body that you're experiencing this crazy life in. 

    So self-love just feels freaking good, and we get reflections of it in so many amazing ways cause if you embody love, you attract people, things, and experiences that align with it & make you feel more of it.

    When I got into learning about the law of attraction, which was my introduction to everything that I talk about on this podcast, I, like many others when they first discover it, found it in a time of struggle. Some people find it as a result of losing a job, some discover it through trying to get over a breakup or get their ex back, or just FIND love, in general. 

    For me, these struggles included being financially strapped, I was really struggling in a relationship at the time, and I wasn't happy with where my career was going. I really didn't even have a career...so I felt behind on everything in my life, and I got into patterns of poorly managing money and taking jobs that I only thought I was capable of working but wasn't passionate about. This of course resulted in quick burnout every time, constantly complaining at and about work, dreading that Monday or the following shift, I'm sure a ton of you have been there or ARE there. And as far as my relationship at the time, it was just all over the place. Granted, it was 2020 during the beginning & peak of the pandemic, so a lot of us were picking up on the panic & fear across the globe at that time. But he and I were basically feeding off of each others' wounds & insecurities, and it turns out we both needed to experience that, to learn & heal within ourselves.

    So my self-worth was really depleting at that time for a lot of reasons, and my finances reflected how I felt in that relationship. There's actually an energetic connection between love & money that I learned about a couple of years ago, and it makes sense. A lot of what we feel we lack in both the love & money departments is linked to fear...fear that we're not worthy of them, fear of losing these them so we create ways to almost avoid them, fear of having to manage the responsibility of more money and/or a great relationship...fill in the blanks, what are your fears around these things? Could focusing on the lack of them be causing you to struggle with receiving them even more? 

    Listen on for more & thank you for being here today! 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

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    12 min
  • 5 Dating Mistakes to Avoid in 2023 (and beyond!)
    Feb 11 2023

    Welcome or welcome back to the podcast! 

    Let's dive right into the 5 dating mistakes to avoid this year (and beyond)!

    Mistake #1: Early narrative-building. This is when we take what we know about someone that we just start dating...I'm talking within a month or so...and we build a story about who this person is, what they value, whether or not they'd make a good partner, parent, etc.  And going based on this impression that they give off is a problem for several reasons, right? They could end up being the opposite of what we're looking for...and when they inevitably show up as their true selves, it becomes harder to end the relationship because we've already fallen for the version of them that showed up on the first few dates.  

    Mistake #2: Bringing old relationships into new relationships. For example, a lot of people have an issue with trusting partners because of past experiences of being lied to, betrayed, cheated on & sometimes even being the cheater in past relationships can spark some trust issues. It's natural for our minds to go back in time to when we've felt triggered with someone else & assume a similar outcome is around the corner. But when we're bringing the insecurities that someone else helped to create, into something new with someone else, it can damage the positive potential of being with that person. It could turn into us emotionally reacting to things that don't warrant that type of response, it could turn into us accusing them of things they're not guilty of, and ultimately, we can end up pushing them away altogether. 

    Mistake #3: Ignoring red flags...if we're looking at these people through rose-colored love-lenses because of that early narrative-building we talked about,
    red flags or warning signs that a person could have toxic qualities can be hard to spot. Some things you wanna watch for are signs of controlling and/or possessive behavior, rushing into things faster than you communicated you'd like to, signs of emotional unavailability, being flat out rude to you or to other people while they're in front of you, unrealistically hyping themselves up, not asking you questions about yourself, etc. I'm not saying to hyper focus on finding these things in someone else...but go into every date, unbiased, with an open, neutral mind...be an open book and ask the same of whomever you're dating

    Mistake #4: Being inauthentic. It's normal to be a little emphatic about ourselves from time to time, right? But when we're straight up lying about ourselves, we're putting on a façade that we won't be able to keep up long term. We're creating an unrealistic image of ourselves to this person, so now they're gonna have their own set of expectations as to how WE show up. And pretty early on, I learned that this doesn't work, and people completely pick up on whether we're being authentic or not. 

    Mistake #5: Refusing to change/better ourselves. Expecting different results without changing what we typically do to try & achieve them will get us nowhere. What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over & over again, and expecting different results. Another angle to that is Einstein's quote: "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Now, I'm not saying you or any of us CREATED our relationship problems but we have made decisions & we chose to keep certain types of people in our lives, who chose to cause us stress & heartache. Stepping outside of ourselves to observe our own behaviors & who/what we let into our lives can be a powerful way to make decisions that serve us in the long run!

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

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    17 min
  • Does the Universe Control What We Attract? Universal Laws Explained!
    Jan 6 2023

    Hi everyone, welcome or welcome back, I hope you all had a great Holiday season!

    So today, we're gonna talk about the Universe & how we work with it to create our life experience & attract the things, people & experiences that we do. There's so much widespread information about the Law of Attraction and 'The Secret,' manifestation, etc., which we love, right? But the law of attraction barely scratches the surface of how we work with the Universe. 

    Sometimes I'll see Reddit threads about the LOA not "working for someone" and I feel like that's because people really rely on the "change your thoughts, change your reality" aspect. And they're missing a lot of pieces that are needed to complete the process of creating or attracting new experiences. So since I'll be continuously mentioning these universal laws throughout future episodes, I thought it would be a good idea to define them first. So I'll be giving brief explanations of 5 of them, and how they all impact our lives every day.

    First, what are laws of the universe? They're universal energetic principles that govern our experience here on earth. So we're here, as students, as guests on this planet, essentially, right? We're in a temporary experience here, and there are certain rules or laws to abide by. And unlike the laws that we have in our justice system, these universal laws cannot be broken. They just are...But understanding them and getting them to work in your favor can change your life in so many ways.

    Follow the show so you don't miss new episodes :) And as always, thanks so much for listening today & I'll catch you in the next one!

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    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

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    11 min
  • How to Increase Your Self-Worth & Attract What You Deserve
    Dec 23 2022

    Today, I wanna do a deep dive into the topic of self-worth. Cause you know it and I know it, there are too many incredible people out there, attracting things, people & circumstances that don't seem to match what they deserve, and I think we need to talk about it. One of the goals that I've set in the last few months is to open up and connect with people more. So I've been getting more vulnerable in conversations with friends, family, coworkers...cause I believe that keeping all of our pain & experiences to ourselves & acting like we're fine all the time is causing more pain. I also love learning about other peoples' perspectives & experiences & what I've been gauging is that so many of the amazing people that I've spoken to are healing from childho toxic relaneglect,tionships, trauma, dealing with mental health issues, and at the end of the day, trying to live regular day-to-day lives as best as they can. But it's tough and a lot of these types of long-term struggles are direct reflections of how we're feeling about ourselves, and what we feel we're worthy of on a core level. 

    Low-self worth is quite possibly the biggest problem that we come across when trying to make positive changes, get into relationships with different types of people, or even just navigate everyday life. So we're gonna go over what self-worth IS, I'm gonna pinpoint some signs of low-self worth, where those could have stemmed from, and then I'll give you some actionable tips that you can use to get started on upping your self-worth AND your confidence so that you can start attracting evidence of you being a badass! I believe that everything from career and finances to love and relationships are all interconnected by where our self-worth is at. And when you step into that worth, you'll become a magnet to incredible changes in your life. 

    So let's get into it! :)

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

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    14 min
  • 5 Ways We BLOCK Love & Relationships
    Dec 8 2022

    Welcome or welcome back & thank you all for being here! 

    There are a bunch of reasons why some of us could have trouble attracting love & relationships...not to say that we're not attracting them at all but we may have a habit of ending up in unhealthy or unfulfilling ones, bringing us to the question of "what the hell am I doing wrong?" 

    And I've had a lot of time to evaluate some of my past relationships, and times I was having trouble finding someone...so I took responsibility for what I was bringing to the table, in terms of what I expected out of relationships, my beliefs towards them, and how I felt about myself overall. 

    So I'm gonna share 5 things that I've determined are pretty common reasons we could be blocking ourselves from experiencing great relationships. So buckle up :)

    Be sure to follow the podcast if you haven't yet, and I'd appreciate you leaving a review...it lets me know how I'm doing and it helps the podcast get out to more people, so thank you! 
    Follow me on Instagram & DM me with any episode requests or things you'd like to hear me talk more about! :) https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

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    11 min
  • Can We Attract Specific People (or Exes) Into Our Lives?
    Dec 1 2022

    Greetings, friends, welcome or welcome back, thank you so much for being here! Let's get cozy, and talk a little bit about manifestation...

    Because I have a YouTube channel, I just don't post on it anymore. And part of the reason for that is that I would get a lot of comments, across multiple videos with people asking how to manifest a specific person or even an ex back into their lives. I would get asked about manifesting wealth, weight loss, the lottery, etc. But for the most part, it was someone asking how to attract a specific person or get someone back. And the trending, clickbaity results for this topic are techniques and hacks to essentially MAKE someone love you back. And I'm not gonna lie, this got to me a little bit. It made me feel some type of way, so we're gonna talk about it...cause I feel like this type of advice that suggests that we almost force someone to be attracted to us is very counterintuitive. 

    So disclaimer, I'm gonna be real with you guys on this topic, as usual. We're not gonna talk about how to change parts of yourself to fit the mold of what someone else wants you to be so that maybe they can love you someday. This will be practical but powerful advice on shifting your energy so that you can become magnetic to just about anyone...and yes, that can mean a specific person, but we'll get into it, so stick around...

    Thank you for being here! Follow the show & leave a review if you're enjoying it so far :)
    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

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    13 min
  • Identifying The "Narcissist" and Why We Attract Them
    Nov 26 2022

    Welcome or welcome back to the Attraction Project Podcast!

    In this episode, we're gonna define "The Narcissist" and why we can sometimes attract these types of people & even get into romantic relationships with them. We're also getting into how people-pleasers can especially be targets of narcissistic people, and what to do about changing up those dynamics to work for you! 

    Hope you all enjoy & I'll catch you in the next one!

    Follow the show & leave a review if you like what you hear :)
    Follow me on Instagram: @TheAttractionProject - https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/?next=%2F

    Thank you for listening! 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

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    14 min
  • Our Attraction to Unavailable Partners (Attachment Styles 101)
    Nov 26 2022

    Welcome or welcome back to The Attraction Project Podcast!

    In this episode, we're going over the basics of relationship attachment styles & how they affect who we attract into our lives. When it comes to relationships, a lot of us easily fall into this cycle of becoming attached to partners who are unavailable to us in some way, whether that be emotionally, mentally, physically, etc. For one reason or another, we've started to accept a sort of partial type of love. So we start settling for people who are only partially available to us. And if this is a pattern, and we're consistently getting with the same types of people, leading to the same types of heartache, then there's a part of us that's unconsciously seeking these people out. And yes, I do say "unconsciously" but that doesn't mean it's out of our control once we're aware of it. 

    So stay tuned throughout the episode to find out how to recognize, and change your attachment style if it's not working in your relationships! We'll also go over how to recognize certain characteristics in people with insecure attachments, if you're dating or getting into a new relationship. 

    I hope you all get something out of this one, and thank you so much for listening today! :)

    Follow the show & leave a review if you like what you hear
    Follow me on Instagram: @TheAttractionProject - https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/?next=%2F

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theattractionproject/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    16 min