
  • What Does it Mean to Follow a Spiritual Path?
    May 24 2024

    Following a spiritual path involves a personal and often transformative journey that seeks to connect an individual with a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and understanding of life and existence. It encompasses various practices, beliefs, and experiences aimed at fostering spiritual growth, inner peace, and a sense of connection with something greater than oneself. Ultimately, following a spiritual path is a highly individual and unique journey that evolves over time, shaped by personal experiences, insights, and the ongoing quest for deeper understanding and connection.

    About Maetreyii Ma Nolan, Ph.D.

    In addition to writing eight books, doing lecture tours, and maintaining an ashram in Northern California, Maetreyii Ma is a licensed Transpersonal Psychologist and an Acharya, or ordained yogic minister. Maetreyii Ma refers to herself as an “everyday mystic” for good reason. Her talks are as practical as they are esoteric. She’s spent her adult life helping people understand, heal, and grow through love.

    Since 1969, Maetreyii Ma has been a student of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, affectionately known as Baba. In 1970, she began to have profound mystical experiences of the Divine and experienced the inner presence of her Guru. Baba's inner presence brought a deep knowledge of the endless love and compassion of the Divine, perfect beauty and wisdom, and the unconditional love and overflowing grace of the Sadguru.

    You can visit her website here: https://www.maetreyiima.org/.

    About Maetreyii Ma’s Works

    Over the past decades, Maetreyii Ma has delivered over 1,000 presentations to various audiences. Her latest project is to make those presentations available to the broadest possible audience.

    Maetreyii Ma talks fall into six main categories:

    1. The Power and Nature of Love

    2. Self-realization, Spirituality, and Awakening

    3. Dharma, Society & Karma

    4. Working with the Mind & Emotions

    5. Relationships & Samgha

    6. Science & Cosmology

    The Baba Flow

    Maetreyii Ma’s talks are based on a spiritual process called Baba Flow. The Baba flow is an intuitive flow of spiritual guidance and teachings from the deep inner essence, the one essential Source known by many names. In the Baba Talks, Maetreyii Ma, in a deep state of Bhava, or devotional absorption, opens to this Source and allows the teachings to flow through.

    About Ananda Gurukula

    Maetreyii Ma is President of Ananda Gurukula, a non-profit organization dedicated to awakening the human spirit and sharing the ancient mystic wisdom of yoga. Through Ananda Gurukula, Maetreyii Ma is able to offer meditation practices, mentoring, meditation and yoga wisdom retreats, webinars and workshops on the ancient knowledge of yogic teachings. In addition to local weekly meditation evenings, called Dharmachakra, there is a third Friday Kirtan, and a first Friday Satsanga. Readers in the Santa Rosa area are invited to attend our events at the Ashram. Simply go to http://www.yogama.info and look under events.

    For those who do not live in the local Santa Rosa area, Maetreyii Ma offers talks and workshops as webinars. You can find out more about these at http://www.maetreyiima.org/webinars.html.

    In addition, Ananda Gurukula publishes books and the Baba inspirational writings on many subjects. See more about Maetreyii Ma’s books at https://www.maetreyiima.org/shop.html.

    spiritual awakening, dharma, dharma and purpose, your purpose, life's purpose, spirituality, awakening, self-awareness, love, spirit

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    27 min
  • Understanding Group Consciousness
    May 15 2024

    Group consciousness refers to shared awareness, beliefs, values, and emotions. The collective mindset or mentality develops when individuals interact within a social context. Here are some key aspects to consider when understanding group consciousness. Understanding group consciousness is essential for sociology, psychology, and organizational behavior. It sheds light on how individuals behave within groups and how group dynamics shape social interactions and outcomes.

    About Maetreyii Ma Nolan, Ph.D.

    In addition to writing eight books, doing lecture tours, and maintaining an ashram in Northern California, Maetreyii Ma is a licensed Transpersonal Psychologist and an Acharya, or ordained yogic minister. Maetreyii Ma refers to herself as an “everyday mystic” for good reason. Her talks are as practical as they are esoteric. She’s spent her adult life helping people understand, heal, and grow through love.

    Since 1969, Maetreyii Ma has been a student of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, affectionately known as Baba. In 1970, she began to have profound mystical experiences of the Divine and experienced the inner presence of her Guru. Baba's inner presence brought a deep knowledge of the endless love and compassion of the Divine, perfect beauty and wisdom, and the unconditional love and overflowing grace of the Sadguru.

    You can visit her website here: https://www.maetreyiima.org/.

    About Maetreyii Ma’s Works

    Over the past decades, Maetreyii Ma has delivered over 1,000 presentations to various audiences. Her latest project is to make those presentations available to the broadest possible audience.

    Maetreyii Ma talks fall into six main categories:

    1. The Power and Nature of Love

    2. Self-realization, Spirituality, and Awakening

    3. Dharma, Society & Karma

    4. Working with the Mind & Emotions

    5. Relationships & Samgha

    6. Science & Cosmology

    The Baba Flow

    Maetreyii Ma’s talks are based on a spiritual process called Baba Flow. The Baba flow is an intuitive flow of spiritual guidance and teachings from the deep inner essence, the one essential Source known by many names. In the Baba Talks, Maetreyii Ma, in a deep state of Bhava, or devotional absorption, opens to this Source and allows the teachings to flow through.

    About Ananda Gurukula

    Maetreyii Ma is President of Ananda Gurukula, a non-profit organization dedicated to awakening the human spirit and sharing the ancient mystic wisdom of yoga. Through Ananda Gurukula, Maetreyii Ma is able to offer meditation practices, mentoring, meditation and yoga wisdom retreats, webinars and workshops on the ancient knowledge of yogic teachings. In addition to local weekly meditation evenings, called Dharmachakra, there is a third Friday Kirtan, and a first Friday Satsanga. Readers in the Santa Rosa area are invited to attend our events at the Ashram. Simply go to http://www.yogama.info and look under events.

    For those who do not live in the local Santa Rosa area, Maetreyii Ma offers talks and workshops as webinars. You can find out more about these at http://www.maetreyiima.org/webinars.html.

    In addition, Ananda Gurukula publishes books and the Baba inspirational writings on many subjects. See more about Maetreyii Ma’s books at https://www.maetreyiima.org/shop.html.

    spiritual awakening, dharma, dharma and purpose, your purpose, life's purpose, spirituality, awakening, self-awareness, love, spirit

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    20 min
  • The Relationship Between Religion, Politics, and Spirituality
    May 1 2024

    In the tapestry of human experience, few threads are as intricate and intertwined as those of religion, politics, and spirituality. From the dawn of civilization to the modern era, these realms have shaped societies, influenced cultures, and ignited passionate debates about the nature of power, morality, and the human condition. Exploring the dynamic interplay between religion, politics, and spirituality offers a fascinating glimpse into the complexities of human belief systems and how they intersect and diverge.

    The relationship between religion, politics, and spirituality reflects the fundamental human quest for meaning, belonging, and purpose. Whether expressed through prayer, activism, or contemplation, these realms offer pathways for individuals and communities to grapple with life's most profound questions and aspirations. By fostering mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation, we can harness the transformative potential of religion, politics, and spirituality to create a more just, compassionate, and harmonious world for all.

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    20 min
  • Use of Psychotropic Drugs as a Gateway to Spiritual Awakening
    May 1 2024

    In recent years, there has been a growing fascination with the potential of psychotropic substances to catalyze profound spiritual experiences. From indigenous rituals employing entheogens like ayahuasca to the modern resurgence of interest in substances like LSD and psilocybin, individuals are increasingly turning to these compounds in search of spiritual awakening and personal transformation. Ultimately, the use of psychotropic drugs as a pathway to spiritual awakening represents a fascinating and multifaceted phenomenon. While fraught with challenges and controversies, it also holds the potential to revolutionize our understanding of consciousness, spirituality, and mental health.

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    13 min
  • How to Experience Oneness of Being
    May 1 2024

    In a world often marked by division, conflict, and fragmentation, the profound truth of our interconnectedness offers a beacon of hope and healing. The experience of oneness—of recognizing the essential unity of all existence—is not merely a lofty spiritual ideal but a lived reality that can transform our perception of ourselves, others, and the world around us. Here are some practical steps to guide you in experiencing the oneness of being.

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    18 min
  • What is true, Lasting Happiness?
    May 1 2024

    True, lasting happiness transcends fleeting pleasures and external circumstances, rooted instead in a deep sense of contentment, fulfillment, and inner peace. Unlike temporary moments of joy or excitement, true happiness is sustainable and resilient, enduring through life's inevitable ups and downs. Here are some critical components of true, lasting happiness

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min
  • How to Connect with Your True Nature
    May 1 2024

    In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to lose sight of our true essence amidst the noise of responsibilities, expectations, and distractions. Yet, deep within each of us lies a wellspring of wisdom, authenticity, and vitality waiting to be rediscovered. Connecting with our true nature is a journey of self-discovery and a pathway to inner peace, fulfillment, and resilience.

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    13 min
  • What is True Lasting Happiness
    Apr 17 2024

    True lasting happiness is not a destination to be reached but a journey to be embraced—a journey into the depths of our being where we discover the wellspring of joy and contentment that lies within. May we all embark on this sacred quest with courage and humility, ever striving to realize our innate happiness and fulfillment.

    About Maetreyii Ma Nolan, Ph.D.

    In addition to writing eight books, doing lecture tours, and maintaining an ashram in Northern California, Maetreyii Ma is a licensed Transpersonal Psychologist and an Acharya, or ordained yogic minister. Maetreyii Ma refers to herself as an “everyday mystic,” for good reason. Her talks are as practical as they are esoteric. She’s spent her adult life helping people understand, heal, and grow through love.

    Since 1969, Maetreyii Ma has been a student of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, affectionately known as Baba, In 1970, she began to have profound mystical experiences of the Divine and experience the inner presence of her Guru. Baba's inner presence brought a deep experience of the endless love and compassion of the Divine, perfect beauty and wisdom, and the unconditional love and overflowing grace of the Sadguru.

    You can visit her website here: https://www.maetreyiima.org/.

    About Maetreyii Ma’s Works

    Over the past decades, Maetreyii Ma has delivered over 1,000 presentations to various audiences. Her latest project is to make those presentations available to the widest possible audience.

    Maetreyii Ma talks fall into six main categories:

    1. The Power and Nature of Love

    2. Self Realization, Spirituality, and Awakening

    3. Dharma, Society & Karma

    4. Working with the Mind & Emotions

    5. Relationships & Samgha

    6. Science & Cosmology

    The Baba Flow

    Maetreyii Ma’s talks are based on a spiritual process called Baba Flow. The Baba flow is an intuitive flow of spiritual guidance and teachings from the deep inner essence, the one essential Source known by many names. In the Baba Talks, Maetreyii Ma, in a deep state of Bhava, or devotional absorption, opens to this Source and allows the teachings to flow through.

    About Ananda Gurukula

    Maetreyii Ma is President of Ananda Gurukula, a non-profit organization dedicated to awakening the human spirit and sharing the ancient mystic wisdom of yoga. Through Ananda Gurukula, Maetreyii Ma is able to offer meditation practices, mentoring, meditation and yoga wisdom retreats, webinars and workshops on the ancient knowledge of yogic teachings. In addition to local weekly meditation evenings, called Dharmachakra, there is a third Friday Kirtan, and a first Friday Satsanga. Readers in the Santa Rosa area are invited to attend our events at the Ashram. Simply go to http://www.yogama.info and look under events.

    For those who do not live in the local Santa Rosa area, Maetreyii Ma offers talks and workshops as webinars. You can find out more about these at http://www.maetreyiima.org/webinars.html.

    In addition, Ananda Gurukula publishes books and the Baba inspirational writings on many subjects. See more about Maetreyii Ma’s books at https://www.maetreyiima.org/shop.html.

    spiritual awakening, dharma, dharma and purpose, your purpose, life's purpose, spirituality, awakening, self awareness, love, self-awareness, spirit,

    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min