
  • Getting Better Results Consistently
    Sep 26 2024


    In this episode of the Balanced Life Podcast, Tiffany discusses the importance of overcoming invisible barriers that hold us back from achieving success. She emphasizes the need for a proactive mindset, creative problem-solving, and the significance of contingency planning in both personal and professional life. Through personal anecdotes and practical exercises, Tiffany encourages listeners to embrace challenges, visualize success, and be willing to fail in order to grow and achieve their goals.


    Overcoming obstacles can lead to great opportunities.

    Mental barriers can be more limiting than external ones.


    self-improvement, overcoming obstacles, mindset, contingency planning, personal growth, problem-solving, resilience, success strategies, mental barriers, achieving goals

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    14 min
  • Learning Leadership from Navy Seals
    Sep 5 2024


    In this episode, Tiffany Coulter discusses the book 'Extreme Ownership' by Jaco Willink and Leif Babin. She shares some key takeaways from the book, including the importance of realizing that life owes us nothing and the concept of extreme ownership. Tiffany also talks about the need to simplify our lives and businesses, as well as the importance of effective communication and leadership. Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and making intentional choices to create the life and business we desire.


    • Realize that life owes us nothing and take responsibility for our actions
    • Simplify our lives and businesses to avoid unnecessary complexity
    • Communicate effectively and take ownership of our role as leaders
    • Focus on the basics and consistently implement them over time


    Extreme Ownership, book review, takeaways, simplicity, communication, leadership

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    12 min
  • Strategies for Business growth: Part 2: When to spend money and how to grow without major expenditures.
    Aug 29 2024


    In this episode, Tiffany continues her discussion on growing a small business without spending money. She emphasizes the importance of social media and content marketing as a cost-effective way to engage with the audience and build brand awareness. Tiffany also highlights the significance of improving customer retention through exceptional customer service and regular engagement. She suggests utilizing free or low-cost tools for business management and fostering a culture of innovation within the team. Finally, Tiffany provides insights on evaluating investment opportunities and making informed decisions based on ROI, alignment with business goals, financial health, market conditions, potential risks, and expert advice.


    Social media and content marketing are cost-effective ways to engage with the audience and build brand awareness.

    Fostering a culture of innovation within the team can lead to new ideas and improvements without significant expenses.


    small business, growing business, social media, content marketing, customer retention, free tools, low-cost tools, culture of innovation, investment opportunities, ROI, business goals, financial health, market conditions, potential risks, expert advice

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    18 min
  • Strategies for Business Growth: Part 1: When to spend money and how to grow without major expenditures
    Aug 22 2024


    In this episode, Tiffany discusses the importance of investing in your small business to promote growth and increase revenue. She highlights four key areas where spending money is crucial: infrastructure, marketing and branding, talent acquisition and development, and product development and innovation. Tiffany also provides strategies for growing your business without significant financial investments, such as leveraging partnerships and maximizing existing resources. She concludes by emphasizing the importance of timing and making strategic investments that align with your business goals.


    • Effective marketing and branding efforts are essential for attracting new customers and increasing revenue.
    • Hiring skilled employees and investing in their development is key to driving innovation and improving customer satisfaction.
    • Investing in research and development allows for product development and innovation, leading to differentiation in the market and new revenue streams.


    small business, growth, investing, revenue, infrastructure, marketing, branding, talent acquisition, product development, innovation, partnerships, resources

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    22 min
  • These 3 Tricks Will Show You Where You're Losing Money.
    Aug 15 2024


    In this conversation, Tiffany shares three basic tips to save time, money, and add calm to your life. The first tip is to tackle small tasks that you keep putting off, as they often take less time than you think. The second tip is to assign a value to your time and track how much time you spend on time-wasting activities. The third tip is to recognize the cost of distractions, such as eating out instead of planning meals ahead of time. By implementing these tips, you can save money, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.


    • Tackle small tasks that you keep putting off, as they often take less time than you think.
    • Assign a value to your time and track how much time you spend on time-wasting activities.


    time management, productivity, saving money, reducing stress, planning

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    7 min
  • Making Balance during a Building Phase
    Aug 8 2024

    During a building phase, it's important to find balance and prioritize your tasks. This can be achieved by keeping focus and being present, setting priorities and planning for interruptions, and prioritizing downtime and relationships. It's crucial to separate work and personal life, maintain boundaries, and avoid blurring the lines between the two. Taking time for quiet reflection and allowing thoughts to flow can also help clear the mind and improve focus. Building a framework and learning from mistakes are key to finding balance during a building phase.


    00:00 Introduction: Making Balance During a Building Phase

    01:27 Chapter 1: Setting Boundaries for Productivity and Well-being

    03:20 Chapter 2: Efficiently Accomplishing Important Tasks

    06:02 Chapter 3: Prioritizing Downtime and Relationships

    06:59 Chapter 4: The Power of Quiet Reflection

    11:13 Conclusion: Building Balance: A Journey of Practice and Growth


    Setting priorities and planning for interruptions can help accomplish important tasks efficiently.

    Prioritizing downtime and relationships is essential for overall well-being.


    balance, priorities, focus, relationships, boundaries

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    11 min
  • Finding Alternative ways to unwind
    Aug 1 2024

    "Getting organized may feel like one more thing to do, but it isn't when you make a swap."


    When things crash down you know the true strength of your time management and business systems.

    Tiffany discusses the challenges of time management and shares some strategies to help listeners get organized and reduce stress. She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing tasks and focusing on a 90-minute project each day. Tiffany also suggests finding alternative ways to unwind that don't involve technology or games. She recommends taking a few minutes each day to relax and write down tasks, allowing the mind to declutter. By implementing these strategies, listeners can free up mental space and reduce feelings of overwhelm.


    • Prioritize your tasks and focus on a 90-minute project each day.
    • Find alternative ways to unwind that don't involve technology or games.
    • Take a few minutes each day to relax and write down tasks, allowing the mind to declutter.
    • By implementing these strategies, you can free up mental space and reduce feelings of overwhelm.


    00:00 The Challenges of Time Management

    03:44 Finding Alternative Ways to Unwind

    06:08 Relaxation and Decluttering the Mind

    09:05 Implementing Strategies for a Balanced Life


    time management, organization, stress reduction, prioritization, relaxation

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    10 min
  • When you hate your job you CAN find balance
    Jul 25 2024


    In this conversation, Tiffany discusses the challenges of finding balance in life when faced with a job or situation that is not ideal. She shares personal experiences and practical advice on how to improve your life and find satisfaction even in difficult circumstances. Tiffany emphasizes the importance of attitude and mindset in finding joy and purpose in any job or situation. She encourages listeners to make a plan for a better future and to focus on personal growth and small accomplishments along the way.


    • Finding balance in life is challenging when faced with a job or situation that is not ideal.
    • Attitude and mindset play a crucial role in finding satisfaction and joy in any job or situation.
    • Making a plan for a better future and focusing on personal growth can improve your life even in difficult circumstances.
    • Small accomplishments and finding joy in the moment can help you stay motivated and positive.
    • Failure is a part of the journey, and it's important to fail forward and keep moving towards your goals.


    00:00 Introduction: Finding Balance in Unideal Situations

    02:49 The Power of Attitude and Mindset

    06:39 Making a Plan for a Better Future

    09:01 Finding Joy in Small Accomplishments

    11:56 Embracing Failure and Moving Forward

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Balanced Life Intro

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    13 min