
  • Poke the Bear Shakespeare
    Feb 21 2025

    LA knows how fussy Owen gets when she gives him an online Shakespeare quiz that is TERRIBLE. And it kind of absolutely delights her. Because it pokes the bear (Owen).

    In this episode, LA gives Owen a 44 question Shakespeare quiz from the website Quizlet.

    And it is FUCKING HORRIBLE. Not only are the so-called "answers" to some of the questions completely ridiculous and WRONG, but things are misspelled. Like normal things. Like, words that should never be misspelled on a TEACHING WEBSITE.

    Sigh. The state of education in the old US of A is REALLY scary.

    To send us an email - please do, we truly want to hear from you!!! - write us at: thebardcastyoudick@gmail.com

    To support us (by giving us money - we're a 501C3 Non-Profit - helllloooooo, tax deductible donation!!!) - per episode if you like!

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    We also take cash! ;D

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    Like us? Don't have any extra moolah? We get it! Still love us and want to support us?? Then leave us a five-star rating AND a review wherever you get your podcasts!!

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    46 min
  • MAGA Shakespeare
    Feb 7 2025

    Living in the United States currently means that as much as we might try to not get obsessed over the shit show that is our country right now, it seeps in like a noxious gas. So we figured - might as well make use of it!!

    In this episode, we discuss how all the characters in the canon might have voted in this last round of US elections. Some are harder to figure out than you might think!!

    ALSO!!!! We were chosen as Number 2 of the 20 Best Shakespeare Podcasts Worth Listening to in 2025, right after the Folger!!! We are SO impressed with ourselves!!!! Check it out - here's the link!!


    To send us an email - please do, we truly want to hear from you!!! - write us at: thebardcastyoudick@gmail.com

    To support us (by giving us money - we're a 501C3 Non-Profit - helllloooooo, tax deductible donation!!!) - per episode if you like!

    On Patreon, go here:

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    We also take cash! ;D

    To visit our website, go here:

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    Like us? Don't have any extra moolah? We get it! Still love us and want to support us?? Then leave us a five-star rating AND a review wherever you get your podcasts!!

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    54 min
  • Cymbeline Shakespeare
    Jan 24 2025

    Have YOU ever seen a production of Cymbeline??? Owen hasn't, and Lisa Ann has only seen it once.

    HOWEVER!!!! We ARE seeing it at The Globe in London in March, and we decided to delve a little further into the play that really is quite seldom done.

    NOTE: LA is sounding rough from the shittiest flu EVER. Apologies. (Sneeze, cough, wheeze, rasp.)

    To send us an email - please do, we truly want to hear from you!!! - write us at: thebardcastyoudick@gmail.com

    To support us (by giving us money - we're a 501C3 Non-Profit - helllloooooo, tax deductible donation!!!) - per episode if you like!

    On Patreon, go here:

    Or on Paypal:

    We also take cash! ;D

    To visit our website, go here:

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    Like us? Don't have any extra moolah? We get it! Still love us and want to support us?? Then leave us a five-star rating AND a review wherever you get your podcasts!!

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    35 min
  • Resolution Shakespeare
    Jan 10 2025

    Happy 2025, listeners!!!

    What are YOUR resolutions for this new year?? We have some... but more importantly, what resolutions do the characters in the canon have??

    In this episode we discuss those and play some resolution=quotes from plays=what character and play games.

    Whoooo Hooooo!!! Happy New Year, you dicks!! (And dickesses!!)

    To send us an email - please do, we truly want to hear from you!!! - write us at: thebardcastyoudick@gmail.com

    To support us (by giving us money - we're a 501C3 Non-Profit - helllloooooo, tax deductible donation!!!) - per episode if you like!

    On Patreon, go here:

    Or on Paypal:

    We also take cash! ;D

    To visit our website, go here:

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    Like us? Don't have any extra moolah? We get it! Still love us and want to support us?? Then leave us a five-star rating AND a review wherever you get your podcasts!!

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    36 min
  • Best Roles in Shakespeare
    Dec 27 2024

    As a follow up to our last episode, today we discuss the best roles in the Shakespeare canon.

    SPOILER: There are A LOT more good ones than bad ones.

    Check out Season 2 Episode 41 for our "A Visit From Saint Falstaff!!!"

    Merry and Warm Everything and Happy New Year - you dicks and dickesses!!! (I - LA - want to note here that my laptop always changes dickesses to dickenses, which is amazingly appropriate this time of year.)

    To send us an email - please do, we truly want to hear from you!!! - write us at: thebardcastyoudick@gmail.com

    To support us (by giving us money - we're a 501C3 Non-Profit - helllloooooo, tax deductible donation!!!) - per episode if you like!

    On Patreon, go here:

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    We also take cash! ;D

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    Like us? Don't have any extra moolah? We get it! Still love us and want to support us??
    Then leave us a five-star rating AND a review wherever you get your podcasts!!

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    44 min
  • Worst Roles in Shakespeare
    Dec 13 2024

    Whoever said there are no small roles, only small actors... is full of shit.

    YES THERE ARE!!!! There are hundreds of small roles in the Shakespeare canon, and a lot of them SUCK. (As do some not so small roles.)

    In this episode, we slap that stupid phrase right out of the proverbial mouth and discuss all the roles we can think of that fit this particular (crappy) bill.

    To send us an email - please do, we truly want to hear from you!!! - write us at: thebardcastyoudick@gmail.com

    To support us (by giving us money - we're a 501C3 Non-Profit - helllloooooo, tax deductible donation!!!) - per episode if you like!

    On Patreon, go here:

    Or on Paypal:

    We also take cash! ;D

    To visit our website, go here:

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    Like us? Don't have any extra moolah? We get it! Still love us and want to support us??
    Then leave us a five-star rating AND a review wherever you get your podcasts!!

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    53 min
  • Globe Trotting Shakespeare
    Nov 29 2024

    "Travelers ne'er did lie,
    Though fools at home condemn 'em."
    - Antonio, The Tempest, Act III Scene 3

    Oh, the traveling life!!! We LOVE to travel, and we think Shakespeare felt the same way, because he uses SOOOOO many different countries and places in the canon!

    In today's episode, we discuss the myriad of locations in Shakespeare plays.

    Book your tickets and let's go!!!

    To send us an email - please do, we truly want to hear from you!!! - write us at: thebardcastyoudick@gmail.com

    To support us (by giving us money - we're a 501C3 Non-Profit - helllloooooo, tax deductible donation!!!) - per episode if you like!

    On Patreon, go here:

    Or on Paypal:

    We also take cash! ;D

    To visit our website, go here:

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    Like us? Don't have any extra moolah? We get it! Still love us and want to support us??
    Then leave us a five-star rating AND a review wherever you get your podcasts!!

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    44 min
  • Trumped Up Shakespeare
    Nov 15 2024


    It happened. And we're none too pleased about it.

    But we have to move forward. Kind of. So this episode is - ostensibly - about where we see parallels in the Shakespeare canon.

    Enjoy. If you are able.

    To send us an email - please do, we truly want to hear from you!!! - write us at: thebardcastyoudick@gmail.com

    To support us (by giving us money - we're a 501C3 Non-Profit - helllloooooo, tax deductible donation!!!) - per episode if you like!

    On Patreon, go here:

    Or on Paypal:

    We also take cash! ;D

    To visit our website, go here:

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    Like us? Don't have any extra moolah? We get it! Still love us and want to support us??
    Then leave us a five-star rating AND a review wherever you get your podcasts!!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min