Episode #14- A, B , C, D.. Can I Bring My Friend To Tea.?
At no cost to you Mark and Col have returned to deliver yet another no expenses spent edition of Beatleplaces, but with a twist. For at least the next 26 podcasts we’re doing a brand new, super-dooper feature called “Beatles With An A”. What’s that about I hear you say.? Well, in each podcast we focus on a letter of the alphabet (guess the first one) and report back Beatles fun facts belonging to that letter, namely Beatle songs, Beatle people, Beatle places and more. We think you’ll like it. As ever, we’ll be incessantly talking about your favourite fab foursome and their hometown of Liverpool ‘cos we like doing it and it’s our hometown too. Not forgetting the usual podcast favourites of the totally tricky Beatles Trivia Quiz, This Month In Beatle History and whatever nonsense Col and Mark can recall from their vast and let’s face it, limited knowledge of all things Beatles and Liverpool. Col will be highlighting the day Ringo had his 21st birthday party at home, when Paul fell off his moped and even recites the full version of the Liverpool schoolkid rhyme, Yellow Matter Custard that John included a snippet of in “I Am The Walrus”. As per usual, Mark and Col will fill in the gaps in between with daft jokes and bad fashion tips. We also get the distinct feeling that you may even enjoy it. You never can tell. Alley oop.