
  • 040 - Forgiveness: The Key To Releasing You!
    Aug 31 2021

    When people treat you wrong, it’s very easy to hold a grudge. You may not understand how it could be possible to forgive someone, especially if what they did or saidwas especially hurtful. I know this and understand it from a personal perspective. Maybe you think forgiveness is about the other person and somehow, they benefit from you forgiving them. NEWSFLASH! Forgiveness is not about the other person...it is about you. It is about releasing you – MENTALLY & EMOTIONALLY – from the act or behavior that hurt you! In today’s episode, I will share with you why forgiveness is necessary for you as an important self-care “activity” in order to be released from past hurts.

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    Email – podcast@4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com

    Website – https://www.4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com/contact-us

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    11 min
  • 039 - The Joy of Laughter
    Aug 24 2021

    "Laughter is the best medicine" is a phrase that dates back to biblical times as an old Proverb and it's still widely used today all over the world. That's because it's true! At least I believe it is! There’s nothing like a gut-busting, belly-hurting laugh where, afterwards, you have that light-headed “high.” There’s a physiological reason that happens. In today’s episode we will take a look at what happens inside your body, your mind and your spirit when you laugh.

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    Email – podcast@4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com

    Website – https://www.4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com/contact-us

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    16 min
  • 038 - Developing Healthier Emotional Responses
    Aug 17 2021

    Our bodies have many ways of informing us that something is not or may not be well. Our emotions are one of those ways. How we address what is not going well, as relating to those emotions, can have a serious impact on our physical and mental well-being. Continuing with the theme of “self-care,” today’s episode will a bit deeper than Episode 003 – The Emotionally Intelligent You (my suggestion is to go back and listen if you have not) where I will unpack, specifically, how to develop healthier emotional responses.

    Contact Info:

    Email – podcast@4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com

    Website – https://www.4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com/contact-us

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    23 min
  • 037 - 6 Ways To Practice Self-Care
    Aug 10 2021

    In the previous episode I shared with you ‘The Importance of Self-Care’ but here I want to take it a step further and offer some specific ways to practice self-care. Even when times are tough,, you will walk away from this episode with six practical ways that you can practice self-care.

    Contact Info:

    Email – podcast@4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com

    Website – https://www.4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com/contact-us

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    14 min
  • 036 - The Importance of Self-Care
    Aug 3 2021

    Today is of critical importance for self-care...in our personal lives, at work and in our relationships. Since it is so important, what are you doing to ensure that your own self-care is a top priority? In today’s episode I will introduce what self-care is, in my opinion, and share with you a few activities of which you can begin now to put your own self-care at the forefront because without it nothing else matters.

    Contact Info:

    Email – podcast@4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com

    Website – https://www.4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com/contact-us

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    13 min
  • 035 - Changing Your Attitude
    Jul 27 2021

    Your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE! I’m sure you’ve heard that before! Maybe a trusted advisor, friend or relative may have told you that or you may have even said it to someone. Regardless of where you have heard this, your attitude is a vital component to becoming a better you. Some people may wear their attitude as a badge of courage but hear me on this...if your attitude is negative, that’s not a badge of courage! Instead, it is a stain on your character. In this episode, I will unpack the importance of changing your attitude.

    Contact Info:

    Email – podcast@4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com

    Website – https://www.4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com/contact-us

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    10 min
  • 034 - Barriers To Effective Communication
    Jul 20 2021

    While we have all learned to talk, few have learned the art and skill of effective communication. I won’t touch upon the skills of communication here – well, not directly. What I do share in this episode however, are four barriers to effective communication. Although there are many barriers to effective communication, here I will go over four based on the extensive research of John Gottman* pertaining to marriage. These four barriers are not limited to marriage and I hope that you will see the applicability to other areas of life.

    *The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, John Gottman PhD

    Contact Info:

    Email – podcast@4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com

    Website – https://www.4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com/contact-us

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    16 min
  • 033 - Lead By Example
    Jul 13 2021

    Lead is an action word...meaning it is something that must be done. Leading goes (or at least should) beyond a title, salary or office size. The respectability of your role as a leader rests in the confidence of those to whom you are leading...and one of the best ways to do this is to ‘Lead By Example.’

    On today’s episode I want to briefly touch upon how and why you must lead by example. Also, as you are listening keep in mind that leading is not limited to the office or to the workplace.

    Contact Info:

    Email – podcast@4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com

    Website – https://www.4mpactforpersonalgrowth.com/contact-us

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    8 min