
  • 10 Julia Broad: from small town goth girl in high school to becoming a no BS photographer supporting women
    Aug 28 2020

    Meet Julia Broad - a 5"1 hurricane of a photographer that swears a lot and is brutally honest.

    We cover all the buzzwords (and then some) in this episode: imposter syndrome, burnout, her photography, how 2020 changed her life and how she copes with the current pandemic, female empowerment and what it takes to support other women including her most recent 20 WOMEN OF 2020, integrity and we also took a detour to The Philippines, Balut, and its resilient people. Head over to www.belindaesterhammer.com/podcast for more and follow me on instagram www.instagram.com/belindaesterhammer 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    53 min
  • 9. Why we pivot after our world gets shaken & lessons from dealing with loss & finding peace
    Aug 3 2020

    I met this week's guest - fitness entrepreneur Madeleine Chu - in my gym and she quickly became a favourite trainer of mine and we discovered that we share many similarities - from both being mixed Cantonese-Caucasians to our entrepreneurial spirit and to us both having lost our dad.

    Tune in to the episode and learn…

    • How an injury became her lucky escape from her dream of becoming a ballerina

    • Her journey to becoming a sports entrepreneur

    • What it felt like growing up in a small town in the UK as mixed Caucasian and Cantonese

    • The turnover time of baking organic doughnuts

    • How there’s a lesson in every moment of sadness

    • How she took time out for herself and received bad news which put her on a completely different path in life

    • How her dad’s death changed her life and perspective

    • Lessons from dealing with loss

    Head over to www.belindaesterhammer.com/podcast for more.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min
  • 8. Why getting a divorce is easier than getting rid of a cofounder in a startup
    Jul 10 2020

    I always said that getting a divorce is easier than splitting up from a startup cofounder. My podcast guest Enkhe confirmed my hypothesis.

    Learn from my guest Enkhbolor Gantulga what a previous startup split and her own divorce have in common; how she co-parents her daughter across different countries, especially now during COVID-19 and how before 2011 Mongolia didn't even have a word for startup.

    Find out more about the Mongolian startup ecosystem and how she worked on building a startup ecosystem in 2011 with the godfather of the Mongolian startups Oko D.

    For the show notes visit www.belindaesterhammer.com/podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    54 min
  • 7. 8 reasons to start a business during a pandemic
    Jul 3 2020

    I get it. Starting a business in the midst of a global economic crisis is the last thing on your lockdown to-do list. But maybe you've watched all there is that Netflix has to offer, baked all the banana bread you can bake and you've run out of dance moves to share on TikTok.

    Successful businesses were often born in challenging times. The likes of Airbnb, Disney, IBM, HP, Microsoft, Slack, Pinterest, Uber, and Venmo are just a few that were established during or right after recessions.

    For the show notes visit www.belindaesterhammer.com/podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    10 min
  • 6. Riya Chandiramani: sexism, cereal boxes, and saying fuck off
    Jun 26 2020

    Learn how Riya left her office job to become a full-time artist. Why we should stop feeling unworthy and punish ourselves. How she overcame anorexia and how that led to breaking shame and taboos becoming a massive part of her life. How that ties in with gender equality and taking up space. How cereal boxes can be complex and the epitome of capitalism. Why female bodies are fucking magical and males should stop sexualizing them. How she reclaims women’s role in history and portraits them in all glory inspired by Indo-Persian Miniature paintings.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • 5. Be your own role model
    Jun 5 2020

    Role models are nice to have but problematic. In this episode, I talk about role models, how I never had one when growing up, and why it's ok to be your own role model... Or how to DIY your role model.

    It's much better to admire someone’s journey and path in life rather than the person they then become once they are successful. I am fascinated by rags to riches stories as that really shows the true character of a person and those stories are packed with learnings and resilience.

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    13 min
  • 4. The Future is NOT Female
    May 29 2020

    Several years ago, the term "The Future is Female" started to pop up everywhere and it became so mainstream that fast fashion brands were selling underwear with this slogan. The future is Female slogan always felt more like a trend and hype than really being this movement. Women, in much of the world are on the bottom of the hierarchy and I agree that we need a future where females are empowered because in the past and also throughout history human meant by default male. But the future is not just female - we need to reach overall diversity and we need to go way deeper. We need diversity of race, diversity when it comes to age and diversity of thought. The future is always now and lies in the choices we make today.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    12 min
  • 3. Stop the FAKE
    May 22 2020

    In 2019 fake followers in influencer marketing cost brands $1.3 billion. Learn more about the world of fake followers, engagement, fake awards and practices people use to boost their brand. And how these vanity metrics are all about appearances.

    At the beginning of Belinda's startup journey imposter syndrome kicked in when she saw people within her industry who were seemingly doing so well on social media and she doubted her own accomplishments. Through social media people often create a distorted or even fake image of themselves pretending that they are someone that they're not. This is not just business-related but overall.

    Belinda explains how to spot vanity influencers and brands with a fake following and why you should not pay for accomplishments.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min