
  • Show 13: When things fall apart
    May 20 2021

    What do we do when things fall apart? What do we do when things are truly dark and we don't know what to do. Separation, divorce, breakup, depression... in this show I talk about what you can do as man to move on and find the motivation and energy you need.

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    20 min
  • Show 12: How Minimalism changed my life as a man
    May 14 2021

    I'm not a hardcore minimalist, or the best friend of Marie Kondo , but since starting my minimalism process , path, my life as a man has change. In this show, show #12 I talk about how minimalism has become a tool and an option of freedom and empowerment.

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    20 min
  • Show 11: Having Better Sex - as a man
    Apr 29 2021

    As men we brag about sex, we complain of not having enough sex, and we barely study sex as a topic, learn about sex or try to improve our sexual performance, stamina, or even our own understanding of what makes a man better in bed.

    We talk a lot but we don't improve at the same speed we talk.

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    21 min
  • Show 10: No More Mr Nice Guy, The Nice Guy Syndrome
    Apr 28 2021

    Show 10: Are you a nice guy? The nice guy syndrome affects millions of men during the life, making them miserable, mediocre, bad partners and overall the opposite of what they are trying to become.

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    20 min
  • Show 9: Fear and the BS stories we tell ourselves
    Apr 22 2021

    We all suffer Fear but the question is how fear serve us and the stories we tell ourselves to keep living in fear. Fear is the cancer of modern men and in this show I talk about how to shift our approach to fear.

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    21 min
  • Show 8: The 75 Hard Challenge - Introduction
    Apr 19 2021

    Show #8 in this show I talk about my process starting the 75 Hard Challenge....

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    18 min
  • Show 7: Making Money Online - A quick guide
    Apr 15 2021

    how do we achieve more financially? Specially if we want to quit the 9 to 5... I have been making money online or working as an online entrepreneur for year and this show is for all of those men that want to start working online... a quick overview of different ways to make it online

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    21 min
  • Show 6: Leaving the 9 to 5 - Should you do it?
    Apr 11 2021

    Should you leave your 9 to 5 to go solo? To start a business? To become an entrepreneur.

    This is NOT an easy option, so in this show I talk about things to consider if you are looking to go quit the 9 to 5 and start your own biz, freelancing career.

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    20 min