
  • You are far more powerful than you realize!
    Oct 9 2020
    A podcasts so deep you should listen twice! But one designed to help you understand you are powerful and to teach you to unleash it!
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    12 min
  • How our story will end
    Sep 9 2020
    A podcast designed to help you see the significance of the masterpiece that God created you to be; to inspire you to live every hour like it's your last.
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    6 min
  • The Quiet Evangelist
    Sep 2 2020
    This podcast is based on interviewing a man I call the quiet evangelist. He's not a pastor, but he's converted hundreds of people using his unique approach, which I describe here.
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    15 min
  • Jujitsu for the Abused 4: An example of using praise to unlock miracles
    Aug 19 2020
    I decided to share the miracle of God's protection when I drove into oncoming traffic on the highway in a snow storm.

    The story involves me driving down the wrong side of the interstate blinded by a snow storm for five miles. I of course did not do this on purpose. 

    With almost nowhere to go, I played chicken with a large flatbed diesel on his side of the highway. We were both surrounded by a pack of cars on a snowy stormy night.
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    13 min
  • Sinners in the hands of an angry God (A wakeup call)
    Aug 18 2020
    This is an audio re-enactment of the message delivered by Jonathan Edwards
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    48 min
  • Jujitsu for the Abused 3: Forgiveness is the key to unlocking your blessings
    Aug 10 2020
    This podcast explains that we might be blocking our own blessings through lack of forgiveness toward those that owe us debts.
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    14 min
  • Jujitsu for the Abused 2: Encouragement for your darkest hour
    Jul 28 2020
    This message isn't just for those who are struggling, it's also for those who want to learn how to praise, glorify and worship God, better!

    After understanding the nature of this stronghold, you will become a stronghold crusher!
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    14 min
  • Jujitsu for the Abused 1: Your attitude is your source of power (so guard it)!
    Jul 23 2020
    Scripture is full of examples of the idea that it's fine to ask God for vengeance against your enemies. Jesus Christ is powerful and able to save. But we must know and do our part.

    This podcast focuses on communicating two principles:

    1 - Get control of your attitude. Believe God, trust him, he is faithful and strong.
    2 - Expect God to fight your battles for you, but he will involve you, so do what he says.
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    23 min