
  • Compromise Breeds Mediocrity - A Sneak Peek of the Uncompromised Podcast Episode 1
    Apr 25 2023
    Why do we place so much emphasis on compromise? And why do we so often settle for a mediocre outcome when our potential is so much greater? From the moment we're able to comprehend human language, our parents and educators have been teaching us the importance of compromise. We've been taught to think that compromise is essential for successful relationships, careers, and even in our businesses. But, what if we've been misled all along? What if the secret to a fulfilled life is actually placing greater emphasis on NOT compromising? What if it were possible to achieve success without sacrifice? I believe it is possible - and in this first episode of the Uncompromised Podcast I'm going to introduce you to exactly how we'll journey through that together.
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    15 min
  • Where the Heck Have I Been??
    Mar 16 2023
    It's been awhile since you've heard new episodes of the COPreneur Path Podcast. In this episode I'm going to tell you why...
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    10 min
  • Adopting a 4-Day Workweek Without Fearing Failure
    Nov 14 2022
    If technology is supposed to be making our lives easier, why does it seem like it only does the opposite? Pre-COVID, the average person was spending more than 12 hours a day in front of some kind of screen. Feeling stressed? Want to unplug? Looking for a way to be more productive while still having more time off and removing yourself from "the grind." There are no "hacks" here or trendy new shortcuts, just solid advice and easy to implement practices. Start your work week with Rob Krecak's episode.
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    31 min
  • Shifting from the Owner's Seat to the Investor's Seat in Your Business
    Nov 7 2022
    COPreneurs should be well versed in the practice of thinking ahead. ...should. Do you know where you want to be in a year? Two? Five? Do you eventually want to exit your company? Are you putting the things in place NOW that you'll need in order to make that happen? Or are your SOPs, your strategies, and your company roles only pointed to the present? Worse, are they trying to catch up to where you currently are? Don't wait until it happens, start acting on what is to come. This episode pairs well with episode 105.
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    32 min
  • Finding Your Inner Fire
    Oct 31 2022
    Do you feel like you have all the energy of a dead battery? Feel like you're missing out on all the fun things in life that you used to enjoy? Has your self identity been the same thing as your job description for so long that you don't even remember being anyone or anything else? Well stop that, it isn't healthy. As our guest today, Heather Hansen O'Neill, explains, diversity of thought is what leads to the exponential growth that uncovers the things we were supposed to know all along. Find your inner fire, renew passions, and be more than just a job description.
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    31 min
  • Deploying Tactical Content Marketing
    Oct 24 2022
    Ah, the government. There is nothing more steady than a government gig, and nothing more permanent than a temporary government program. Right? Steven Lentz had quite a different experience when he joined, re-joined, and later re-re-joined the fire department only to leave, again, shortly later and go full time with his marketing agency.
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    33 min
  • Becoming a Rockstar Communicator
    Oct 17 2022
    When Brenden didn't go out for sports in college, his "nerd club" was presented with the nail-biting choice between hoisting a rock onto a pedestal to be their leader... or choosing him. Brenden went on to become a great leader, great communicator, and started his own YouTube channel to help others. THEN, he founded MasterTalk and began getting handsomely paid to help executives and entrepreneurs overcome fears and faults concerning communication. Today, Brenden joins us and helps break down public speaking and uncomfortable communications by using mangos, toilet paper, and learning to juggle.
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    32 min
  • The Art of Preventing Stupid
    Oct 10 2022
    Businesses run into problems in three areas. Catastrophe, Ignorance, and Ineptitude. So can you really prevent what what you can’t control, aren’t aware of, and can’t handle? Do the secrets learned in the bygone days of libraries and card catalogs and microfilm still apply today? It turns out they do indeed, and you’ve probably already been gaining experience in recognizing them throughout your LE career. It really comes down to recognizing patterns and being able to P.A.C.E. yourself when needed.
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    28 min