
  • Envy - Comparison
    Jul 4 2024
    TCH is a ministry of Gospel Broadcasting Mission. GBM’s mission is to broadcast the message of Jesus in many languages to peoples and tribes world-wide. Many of our broadcasters work in places where persecution is the rule of the day and freedom to worship is greatly restricted. We are thankful for the freedom we enjoy in this country and how we have the freedom to share the Hope of eternity, not only here through TCH, but to the world! We hope your Independence Day celebrations included giving thanks to God for the blessings we enjoy here in this place. In today’s message Aaron Brockett, preaching minister with Trader’s Point Christian Church in Indianapolis, IN, is on a hunt for the spiderwebs we allow to entangle us, and shares insight on how to gain control over the critters that weave them. Here’s Aaron To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/326/29
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    29 min
  • Affliction & Affluence
    Jun 27 2024
    In today’s message, Gene Appel is going to quote a statistic that says; if you make 50,000 per year as a household, you are in the top 1% of all wage earners in the entire world! Given that new perspective, from the Bible’s book of James, we are challenged to take a new look at how we manage the resources God has blessed us with, both spiritual and physical. This month, Gene Appel, Lead Pastor with Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim, California with 7 campuses in 3 states has been walking us through the Bible’s book of James with a glimpse of what faith looks like when it’s lived out authentically with all our heart, soul, mind, strength! So, exploring, the spiritual risks faced by both the less affluent and the wealthy members of today’s diverse church communities, here’s Gene Appel To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/326/29
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    29 min
  • Conflict Resolution
    Jun 20 2024
    Someone once said: We'd like to be humble...but what if no one notices? At first that statement seems a bit humorous, but then, truthfully, don’t we all, at least sometimes, wage that battle somewhere inside? This month, Gene Appel Lead Pastor with Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim, California with 7 campuses in 3 states is walking us through the Bible’s book of James with a glimpse of what faith looks like when it’s lived out authentically with all our heart, soul, mind, strength! Today from James chapter 4 Gene unpacks the role of self-centered desires in causing conflicts, and, emphasizes the importance of humility, ultimately emphasizing how God honors those who humble themselves and seek reconciliation. So, with a look at who can honestly claim rights to the center of the universe, here’s Gene. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/326/29
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    29 min
  • Open Wide & Say AHHHH...
    Jun 13 2024
    So, riddle me this; what is smaller than a breadbox, more powerful than a locomotive, and can only be squelched by a small piece of wood? Give up? Would you believe the human tongue? and that piece of wood would be a tongue depressor. Curious? Keep listening! This month, Gene Appel Lead Pastor with Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim, California with 7 campuses in 3 states is walking us through the Bible’s book of James with a glimpse of what faith looks like when it’s lived out authentically with all our heart, soul, mind, strength, and tongue! Open Wide and Say AHHHH sounds like something a dentist might say to us at the beginning of an oral examination; but today those words, along with a metaphoric tongue depressor are Gene’s tools of choice as he highlights how our words reflect our spiritual health and the importance a right heart, in order to have a healthy tongue. So here’s Gene with a spiritual MRI for our tongue To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/326/29
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    29 min
  • Faith That Works
    Jun 6 2024
    I’m sure you’ve heard it somewhere, sometime. Someone talking about faith. You might have even heard it defined something like faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we don’t see. So, with the idea of faith being thrown around how do we know what is real and what is just, say, pie in the sky? This month, Gene Appel and Mike Breaux, pastors with Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim, California, will be helping us see what faith looks like when it’s lived out authentically with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Okay, here’s a question for you; is faith just belief, or is it maybe a verb? In the Bible’s book of James there is a statement that says: Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. So, here’s Mike Breaux to unpack how genuine faith is more than just belief, it is transformative To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/326/29
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    29 min
  • Trials and Testing
    May 30 2024
    Okay, all cards on the table: As much as I wish I could tell you otherwise, living a Christian Life is not, all, a Walk in the Park! It is true that the Christian life is Incredible and that it changes everything. But living in the Kingdom of God does have its trials and testing. What if I were to tell you there is a book in the bible that in a real, raw, sometimes radical and always practical way offers up some of the most unfiltered, straightforward and memorable blueprints for walking with God you might ever encounter? This month, Gene Appel and Mike Breaux, pastors with Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim, California with multiple campuses in Southern California and beyond, will be helping us see what faith looks like when it’s lived out authentically with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. So, with a gritty look at how to deal with trials and testing and come out the other end better for it, here’s Gene Appel! To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/326/29
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    29 min
  • When It's Time to Go Home
    May 23 2024
    Ben Cachiaras, the lead minister with Mountain Christian Church, and their 4 campuses located just outside of Baltimore, Maryland has been our teacher, this month. Ben has been unpacking the Bible’s story of a man who God brought up from slavery to be second in command of all of Egypt, Joseph. The series is called: Have a Great Life! So, this week we once again pick up with the life of Joseph. Joseph has been sold into slavery then after being falsely accused of something he did not do endured time in prison before rising to serve as second in command of all of Egypt. Through it all, Joseph has lived most of his life not knowing if he would ever see his father again. When Joseph finally learns his father is alive and that they would meet soon, Joseph became excitedly focused on it, yearning for the reunion. The hope of Christianity, because of the resurrection of Christ from the dead, is that beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will meet our heavenly father one day. Intrigued? Here’s Ben to explain. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/326/29
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    29 min
  • Win Over Temptation
    May 16 2024
    Ben Cachiaras, the lead minister with Mountain Christian Church, and their 4 campuses located just outside of Baltimore, Maryland is our teacher, this month. Ben is unpacking the Bible’s story of a man who God brought up from slavery to be second in command of all of Egypt, Joseph. The series is called: Have a Great Life! Seems like a million years ago, there was a popular phrase on TV, T-shirts, and so forth; The Devil Made Me Do It! Temptation is part of life; everyone has faced it. But the devil can’t make us do anything. So, whether our temptation is anger, alcohol, drugs, sex, food, or work. Succumbing to any temptation; that’s on us, and it lures us to sin and leaves us wounded. Not only does it dimmish our integrity, our joy, our relational connections, our purity, and but it breaks our connection with God. So, with some solid advice for having a great life by recognizing temptation, and successfully navigating through it, here’s Ben. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/326/29
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    29 min