The Complete Works Ep. 106 The Complete Works is a filmography podcast, brought to you by FilmBook. In each episode, FilmBook contributor Doug Hess reviews and analyzes a movie from film actor, actress, director, or composer's filmography. Doug is currently examining the filmography of Tom Cruise. This week, Doug will dive into Harold Becker's 1981 film Taps. Cast Taps stars the aforementioned Tom Cruise along with George C. Scott, Timothy Hutton, Ronny Cox, Sean Penn, Giancarlo Esposito, and Evan Handler. Plot Synopsis Taps (1981)’s plot synopsis: based on Devery Freeman's 1979 novel Father Sky, "Military cadets take extreme measures to ensure the future of their academy when its existence is threatened by local condo developers.” Credits and contact If you'd like to advertise within this podcast as a sponsor, please email advertise[AT]film-book[DOT]com. You can donate and support this FilmBook podcast by clicking this Paypal Donate link to contribute once or visit our Patreon page to contribute every month. Thanks to all our donors this week. You keep us going. Any and all feedback, compliments, topic discussions, even hate mail, can be sent directly to podcast[AT]film-book[DOT]com. Please list "The Complete Works" in the title of your email. We would LOVE to hear from you! Thank you for listening to the show. Find us on iTunes, subscribe, star rate, and critique this podcast. The Podcast Listen to this The Complete Works episode and leave your thoughts on it below in the comments section. Readers seeking more podcasts can visit our Podcast Page, our Podcast Twitter Page, our Podcast Facebook Page, and our Podcast YouTube Page. Want up-to-the-minute notifications? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Mobile App, Google News, Feedly, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Telegram, Mastodon, Flipboard, and Threads. The Complete Works Ep. 106 on YouTube The Complete Works Ep. 106 via Podcast Stream