
  • March 2025 Forecast featuring Venus’ Retrograde The Power of (Dis)Agreement
    Feb 27 2025

    Reality is shaped by our tacit and explicit agreements. Our social systems, codes and organizational constructs only exist because they’re agreed upon. To a large degree, if we experience it, we’re cooperating with it. There is so much creative power, collectively and individually—interpersonally and socially, in owning our decisions about what we agree to. But, deciding well means understanding how we contribute to the narratives of morality and logic. Narratives don’t exist in a solid state; if someone changes their mind about something—poof, that story is gone or altered. There’s so much power in that. I think this month’s astrology is largely about what we do with that power. Venus is the planet of agreements and consensus. It goes retrograde on March 1 st. March starts off with bang and continues to bang around for its entirety—and ends with a big bang. That’s a lot of banging. Take that as you will. Venus stationing retrograde in Aries does not mean that love turns to hate and that we’ll all end up in a barroom brawl—not necessarily. It does mean that we’re embarking on a process of reevaluating of what we’re drawn to and how we connect. We may be preoccupied with the relationships we’re in, changing aesthetic and sensual tastes, questions surrounding what’s worth our time and energy, and shifts in values. Venus in Aries is already edgy, once retrograde, she cares even less about decorum.

    March also introduces 2 eclipses, Mercury’s retrograde, the spring equinox and Neptune’s first ingress into Aries. March is a game-changer, and a continuation of deepening activity across the Aries-Pisces border.

    Discussed in this episode:

    Living with limits on clarity.

    The breakdown of unifying narratives, attempts to control narratives, and trying to restore old ones.

    How important is it to “protect my peace” in the quest for change?

    March forecast at 44:45

    Aries and Pisces as expressed through the TV show Cobra Kai and the film The Karate Kid

    The last gasp of Neptune in Pisces: The perversion of religion, spirituality, and esoteric practice through capitalism.

    Venus retrograde nuts and bolts 1:09:37

    The Aries Point (zero degrees Aries) and Botticelli’s Birth of Venus

    Action vs. Platitude

    Book a consultation or class: https://www.astrologybycory.com/services

    Newsletter sign up: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/2JNX43D

    Venus Retrograde Workshop Registration: https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/beyond-love-


    The Correspondence booking: https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/the-correspondence

    Bridging Embodied Experience and Narrative in Somatic Practice: email

    bodyintelligence@gmail.com for a copy

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram

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    1 h et 30 min
  • February 2025. The Agony and Ecstasy of Pisces.
    Feb 1 2025

    In today’s episode Cory delivers a short forecast for February; a squishy, sensitive, and romantic month filled with feeling, but shot through with dazzling moments of Aquarian clarity. She follows that with a segment on understanding the sign of Pisces. Other topics covered include:

    Emotional bias in a world that thinks it’s objective
    The chasms and bridges between imagination and reality
    Nationality, belonging, and safety
    Pisces and Aries as expressed through the novel and film, Fight Club
    Expanding the nervous system to better differentiate danger from discomfort
    Where true power lives

    Book a reading: https://www.astrologybycory.com/services
    Register for Beyond Love & Strife, a Venus Retrograde Workshop: https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/beyond-love-and-strife
    Sign up for our newsletter: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/2JNX43D
    Monthly forecast and horoscopes: https://www.chronogram.com/category/monthly-forecast-2124623
    Astrology 101 archive: https://www.chronogram.com/category/astrology-101-21375447

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram

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    1 h et 10 min
  • January 2025 + Capricorn Deep Dive Myths of Structure
    Dec 23 2024

    January 2025 + Capricorn Deep Dive | Myths of Structure

    Today Cory and shea in the catskills explore the embodied experience of Capricorn, and delve into the less-talked about expressions of that zodiac sign. Especially as Saturn (planetary ruler of Capricorn) spends its last months in Pisces and comes into a landscape-shifting square with Jupiter on Christmas Eve, they consider the mystical nature of the “threshold dwellers,” of which Saturn is the ultimate. It’s said to have its joy in the 12 th house of the excommunicated, the sequestered and the sublime. In the last third of the episode Cory takes a through a brief forecast of January, and the big transits of 2025.

    Topics include:

    The experience of the sun, moon, and Mercury in Capricorn and its relationship to Cancer

    Redefining goals, accomplishment, success, and security

    Elders and Crones

    The gross, vulgar and unpredictable nature of reality vs. the manicured, organized, and codified

    How capitalism changed our relationship and understanding of Capricorn

    Top-down structures vs. collaboratively-built structures

    Capricorn as mystical, feminine chaos and the sublimation of that power

    Capricorn as symbolized by Pan, god of the wild and the Devil card in tarot

    The suit of pentacles in tarot and other images that correspond with Capricorn

    New offerings for 2025

    A tarot pull for the winter solstice

    and Death

    Book a consultation or chart interpretation workshop with Cory


    Newsletter sign up https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/2JNX43D

    Book a session with shea https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/

    Book a reading with shea + Cory https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/the-correspondence

    Register for Venus Retrograde workshop https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/beyond-love-And-strife

    Chronogram horoscopes https://www.chronogram.com/horoscopes/astrology-report-for-


    Astrology 101 https://www.chronogram.com/category/astrology-101-21375447

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 50 min
  • The Cosmic Dispatch: Off The Chart | Re-making Meaning with Jupiter & Mercury
    Dec 3 2024

    It’s been a long time since I’ve done an “OTC” episode! These episodes are less structured and more illustrative. I invited Anastasia Wasco, writer, editor, and psychospiritual guide to talk about her experience of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Not only does she have a Sagittarius stellium (including Mercury in Sadge), but she’s also a Gemini rising. She’s pretty much the embodiment of the current situation along that Gemini-Sagittarius axis this month: Mercury rx Sadge opposite Jupiter rx Gemini (mutual reception in detriment).

    I kind of just let her run free with her narrative, as I thought it was such an experiential representation of how Mercury moves through Sagittarius, especially when it’s retrograde: it jumps timelines, it explores, it detours, and extrapolates. It doesn’t give what’s expected or asked for, and yet...it does. It does it in its own oblique, philosophical way. Instead of simply answering, it expands.

    Topics discussed in this episode:

    Monomyth vs. other story structures

    Neurodivergence and animism

    Jupiter rx aspects in December: Jupiter opposite Mercury 12/4 & 12/26, sun opposite Jupiter

    12-7, Venus trine Jupiter 12/19, Jupiter square Saturn 12-24 (second hit).

    The 12/7 triple conjunction of Pluto, Venus, and Ceres at 0 degrees Aquarius and the

    Persephone myth

    Bottlenecks of information

    “The forest for the trees”

    Data without meaning, beliefs without facts

    Confirmation bias and propaganda

    Projecting our own stories on empty, broken, or incomplete narratives

    Coherence and picking things apart

    Critical thinking vs. indoctrination

    Philip K. Dick via Lithub

    Book a consultation or private group class with Cory: www.astrologybycory.com

    *Gift Certificates Available*

    Body Intelligence class and private session sign ups: bodyintelligence@gmail.com

    Newsletter sign up: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/2JNX43D

    More about Anastasia: www.anastasiawasko.com

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 7 min
  • December 2024 Forecast featuring Mars’ Retrograde Through Leo
    Nov 30 2024

    In this episode Cory gives a quick and dirty breakdown of the major transits of December, with an introduction to Mars’ upcoming retrograde through Leo. For a deep and circuitous dive into Sagittarius, Mercury’s retrograde and opposition to Jupiter stay tuned for an Off The Chart episode coming shortly.

    Book a consultation or private group class with Cory, and buy gift certificates:

    Body Intelligence class and private session sign ups: bodyintelligence@gmail.com

    Newsletter sign up
    Monthly horoscopes
    Astrology 101 series

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • Cosmic Dispatch November 2024: Find What You Love and Let It Kill You
    Oct 27 2024

    Charles Bukowski’s oft quoted “Find what you love and let it kill you,” always felt very Scorpionic to me. Especially lately, as I witness so much all-or-nothing behavior in the lives of friends, clients, and multiple groups of people. Whether its through martyrdom, power-hoarding, compulsive behavior, or ecstatic surrender, this Scorpio season is probably the most exacting Scorpio season I’ve lived through.

    In this episode I explore how this double-edged sword of a quote can symbolize unmatched creative and destructive power. Other topics in this episode include:

    The somatics of the sign of Scorpio
    Interacting with the dead (or ghosts of memory and history) through astrology
    November forecast featuring the Mars-Pluto opposition
    Pluto’s last days in Capricorn, featuring the Pluto return of the USA
    A bit about Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius, Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius, and learning to hold multiple truths at the same time (and also let go of them as they change).

    Books mentioned: The Astrology of Fate by Liz Greene, and The Dream and the Underworld by James Hillman

    Book a consultation with Cory: https://www.astrologybycory.com/services

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 18 min
  • October 2024
    Sep 22 2024

    Today Cory walks us through the Gates of Hades (aka the autumnal equinox) with an October forecast, and a breakdown of the ultimate Libra solar eclipse and full moon in Aries. This solar eclipse is conjoined with the south node, Mercury, and Lilith. The asteroid Juno hangs out with this eclipse as well. That’s a lot of Libra material begging to be reckoned with. When do things like diplomacy, the rules of engagement, decorum, and codes of conduct do more to maintain inequities than to resolve injustice? How can the individuating powers or Aries create opportunities for authentic connection? The Aries-Libra situation gets flipped on its head this month and we can use the archetypes more effectively by working with them counter-intuitively. The words “relating,” and “relationship” make up about 60% of the words used in this episode. October really churns with these two big lunations whose rulers (Venus and Mars) are in signs of their antithesis AND configured to each other (and Saturn) by a grand water trine.

    In the second half of the episode Cory continues the Aries- Libra-self-other-flip-the-script-fest. Some points to ponder:

    When is civility barbaric? When is domestication violent? What is the self? Where is it located? Do I need relationships to build a sense of self? How are repulsion and attraction the same thing? How do divisions within myself show up in my external reality?

    Films mentioned: I Heart Huckabees and Triangle of Sadness

    Sign up for seasonal newsletter

    Book a consultation

    Cory on Instagram

    The Cosmic Dispatch on Instagram

    The Cosmic Dispatch on YouTube

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 21 min
  • Virgo Season 2024: Dirty Work
    Aug 25 2024

    In today’s episode, Cory and shea in the catskills do a deep dive into the sign of Virgo and talk about their latest offering, Getting Through it Together, an astrology and tarot container designed to help everyone work creatively with the intense astrology of the upcoming eclipses and the sociopolitical pressure-cooker we’re in.

    *Also, I have some Mercury Rx corrections for the beginning of the show. I was speaking off-the-cuff about some dates w/o notes and am still disoriented after a few weeks of travel:

    1.Jupiter-Saturn square and full moon Aquarius took place 8-19 (not 20)

    2.The Great Conjunction marks the official shift from a 200-year period during which Jupiter and Saturn made conjunctions primarily in Earth signs into a 200-year period of conjunctions in Air signs (again, not 20)

    Topics include:

    Brief review of the astrology of summer and Jupiter’s square to Saturn

    Archetypal Virgo in pop-astrology, mythology, and ancient astrology

    Virgo in the tarot

    Fixing, mending, repairing, editing, and organizing...getting our hands dirty

    Practical applications, usefulness, devotion and service

    Virgo’s role in states of chaos. “Find the helpers”

    Critical engagement vs. Bypassing

    Skills, techniques, practice, and discipline

    Sexual sovereignty

    Perfectionism and Martyrdom

    The Virgo-Pisces axis

    Our personal relationships with Virgo

    In the second half of the show Cory offers a short forecast for the month of September, and a primer on eclipses and the upcoming lunar eclipse in Pisces.

    Featured Guest: https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/

    Workshop sign up: https://www.sheainthecatskills.com/getting-thru-it-together-series

    Show Host: https://www.astrologybycory.com/

    The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter

    The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram

    The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 33 min