
  • Saying YES to Prosperity & Abundance
    Dec 21 2023
    Abundance is here and now and while it may be perceived elusive, at times, we have more « control » over it than we may think. Take the next 20 minutes and listen to this new episode of Cosmic Lounge to learn or rediscover how to access to abundance and understand why you are not experiencing it now!
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    19 min
  • Transcending Anger to enjoy the Holiday Season!
    Dec 11 2023

    When we live a life filled with emotions, we are bound to potentially experience ups and downs. Some are meant to make us feel alive and support our self awareness but some are also meant to limit us and hold us hostage of self-sabotaging patterns.

    Ultimately, we are invited to transcend emotions to keep evolving. Today, this podcast invites you to explore how to transcend anger to connect with others and surrender righteousness for truth.

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    20 min
  • What does it mean to be part of a true Soulful Community
    Nov 28 2023

    This episode shares my perception of a true soulful community and serves as a space to share the launch of C33, ExperienceExtraordinary Community!

    C33 is more than a community; it is a movement. It is a tribe of individuals who have chosen to embark on a journey of personal growth, mutual support, and extraordinary living. As members connect with each other, create meaningful experiences, and cultivate a positive mindset, they are not only transforming their own lives but also contributing to the positive ripple effect that emanates from a thriving community.

    In the grand tapestry of existence, C33 weaves a vibrant thread that connects hearts and minds. It is a reminder that, despite the challenges of the modern world, genuine connections, shared experiences, and collective growth are within reach. As the ExperienceExtraordinary website undergoes its rebranding, C33 stands as a testament to the enduring power of community, inviting individuals to join hands and create a life that goes beyond the ordinary—a life that is truly extraordinary.

    Take a few moments and listen to what it means to me to offer you a community you can call home, school and dance-floor at the same time!!

    CLICK HERE to subscribe and receive my 1-day Experience Extraordinary Challenge: https://linktr.ee/alinehanle

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    20 min
  • Launching Experience Extraordinary and C33 Community
    21 min
  • holistic Health & Well-Being
    Nov 14 2023
    Holistic well-being is a passion on mine because it has supported my sense of success and provided me with the space to love, create, enjoy and share my being! In this episode, I am sharing more about what that looks like and why it is essential to rethink our health through the holistic-nature lens of perception.
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    15 min
  • Embody Your Destiny
    Nov 7 2023

    Here is another thought provoking episode of Cosmic Lounge! Today, this 12 minute podcast will share the view on what we are invited to do right now in order to support the rebuild of this world, especially when all seems to point out to destruction and chaos. What can you do today to be a true catalyst for change? What is in your power to help facilitate the the evolution of consciousness towards unity, oneness and a collaborative reality. Take a few minutes of your day to inspire your choices with a greater perspective!

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    12 min
  • Sound Healing Session
    Oct 31 2023

    Please, take a moment to connect with your heart and soul and release in the soothing sound of Tibetan bowls.

    Elisabeth Peyre, French artist in every senses, has offered us a unique space to connect within our body with the space where life moves effortlessly and where magic resides.

    Tune into the center of your own being by letting you feel supported by life itself. Move beyond today's chaos, narratives or challenges and reach that which has no name and yet holds all that is.

    Divine is our nature, come join me in this 23 minutes of soulful delight and feel rejuvenated from within.

    Feel free to journal your experience and share it on Instagram #ExperienceExtraordinaryRelaxation @AlineHanle

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    24 min
  • On Being a Catalyst for Change
    Oct 24 2023

    Reactivity is the preferred tool of ego. Why? Because it is the fastest answer to the survival question of: How can I survive this? There are two ways to answer: Run away or attack.

    In 5D consciousness, there is a 3rd option that is to ELEVATE. This is not the ordinary one. indeed, this is an extraordinary response to life especially when life brings some very nasty news and circumstances that we judge, unacceptable, dangerous and "weird" by our standards.

    Humanity has chosen to continuously use the survival response to life's unexpected events and we are still in the same predicament: separation, judgment, blame and ultimately lack of safety and isolation.

    Isn't it time for us all to grow up and find the courage to stand for another resolution?

    What are the wars that are raging within you? What is the void that you are trying to fill out with necessary means? Be a catalyst for true change and be courageous. Dive into yourself and mend all the pieces that are drifting in your limited narratives.

    Take a moment to listen to this 15 min + podcast and start healing humanity here and now!

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    17 min