How does a shepherd, slinger, son of a Jesse, and a harpist, dropped in the middle of a battle with Goliath on the battlefield armed with rocks and valor, grow up to be a hero and a ruler?. Okay, read that again but this time in Hamilton. (That’s enough Broadway Coco)
In this episode, Coco spills all the hot biblical tea on David and Saul, David and Michal, David and Bathsheba, David and Uriah, David and Absalom, David and Abishag…. And more more more.
We take a deep dive into what the Bible tells us about David, King of Israel. We discuss his triumphs and his failures and try to determine the motives behind some of his more questionable actions. The Bible is full of juicy, salacious details about David’s very interesting life, and we served it up HOT for you. The tea is HOT
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Music is composed by Nicholas Leigh
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