
  • 128// Connecting With Your Higher Self - How do I do it? What does it feel like? What do you see? Why is it important?
    Nov 8 2024

    Having an open and strong connection to your higher self can...

    • Help you understand life circumstances and situations.
    • Guide you through the curveballs life throws at you.
    • Offer you guidance on your purpose and what you're here to create.
    • Provide you with answers to questions you've been asking for a LONG time.
    • Support you in navigating and emerging from difficult emotional experiences.
    • Bring you face to face with your own truth about the life you actually want to live.
    • Help you see the sheer beauty thats right in front of you.

    Your higher self holds an intelligence and wisdom thats accessible to you at ANY time.

    Breathwork has offered me the opportunity to not only connect to my higher self, but to build a strong connection with her.

    I am able to drop in, and open the channel of communication at any time.

    Whenever I need answers, gudiance, wisdom, direction, clairty...she's there ready to provide.

    And I desire this for YOU.

    Which is why I am offering the FREE experience "Connect With Your Higher Self" on Nov 18th @ 2.30pm pst.

    During this experience, I am going to guide you through a process that will permanently connect you with your higher self, so you no longer feel lost and directionless.

    This is personal process, that I kind of accidently created, that has served me day in and day out.

    Its my gift to you.

    You will get your answers.
    You will receive your breakthrough.
    You will gain the deepest clarity.

    So if this is for you, click the link to join us!


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    29 min
  • 127// Just Because There's Resistance, Doesn't Mean There's Something To Heal.
    Oct 11 2024

    We are so quick to think theres something wrong, something to fix, something to heal, whenever we feel resistance or blocked.

    Therse resistance around saying something...

    Theres resistance around doing something...

    Theres resistance around creating something...

    And yes, maybe there is some deep healing needed.

    But, what if the resistance is purely your body and soul saying "NO".

    What if the resistance is more about alignment and purpose, instead of healing from a past experience?

    What if your body and soul is communicating with you and saying "this is not in alignment with your highest purpose, pivot!"?

    I've worked with so many clients, who's resistance was this, a full body NO!

    And the relief it gave them, knowing that there wasn't any healing needed, was next level.

    Understanding that this was a invitation to pivot and change direction, activated something within them.

    Now, accepting that "NO", and taking the action to align with that, wasn't/isn't easy.

    But recognising theres nothing "wrong" with them, was such an expanding moment for them.

    I share more inside this episode! I can't wait for you to listen!



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    20 min
  • 126// Finding Out My Purpose, Expanding Your Consciousness To Create Your Desired Life and Learning To Feel It First.
    Oct 4 2024

    Phew. This conversation flipped a switch. You'll hear it inside the episode.

    Last week, I received a message slash breakthrough around my purpose.

    It made everything make sense.

    My personalilty, my interests, my chosen career, my understandings, my gifts. It all made sense.

    I was even able to see how previous realizations, had led to this point.

    It all happened in the bath lol.

    There not much I want to say here, because I honestly dont know how to type up what I've realized. Theres not even enough room in captions for it.

    But I was able to explain A LOT in this podcast episode.

    One thing I will say, is that, chasing your purpose is not it.

    You have to let it come to you when its ready.

    You can't force it to reveal itself to you.

    Your only job, is to follow the emotions and energy that expand you. Be curious. And in due time, your purpose will become clear.

    Enjoy the episode.



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    42 min
  • 125// How To Stop Mentally Rehearsing Disappointment and Defeat, And Robbing Yourself of Being Joyful In The Moment
    Sep 27 2024

    You're robbing yourself of the fullness of joy, hope, contentment and love, in THIS moment, when you allow your energy and emotions to get tangled up in the "what ifs".

    And I get it.

    On our fertility journey, we've felt the defeat and disappointment so many times, that I've found myself predicting it.

    It'll be two weeks before my menstrual cycle is due, and I'll already be allowing myself to feel disappointed.

    Rather than just surrendering to it when it comes, I'm rehearsing it, and it can completely take over, pulling me away from the joy right in front of me.

    We all do it. Its a protection mechanism. We rehearse it, as a way to prepare our hearts.

    But its robbing us of feeling those beautiful moments right in front of us. Its distracting.

    Its stopping you from being in a high vibrational state that could attract all kinds of things our way. Opportunities. Resources.

    How many of you do this?

    How many of you are distracted by emotions tangled up in a "what if it doesnt happen?" scenarios? Emotions that arent related to your PRESENT MOMENT.

    How many of you close yourself off to those high vibe emotions just in case something takes it away, and the discomfort and pain is too much?

    Well, inside this episode we are going to talk about how this is impacting your present reality, and the way you think, believe and perceive the world around you.

    I hope this supports you, and gives you the guidance you need to let this protection mechanism go, so you can be fully immersed in those beautiful moments.



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    31 min
  • 124// Life changed, and now you don't have the time for your rituals and practices? Here's how to change that...
    Sep 20 2024

    When I became a mother, I tried SO hard to recreate my beautiful 2 hour morning ritual.

    I held on so tightly to this ritual. It was such a big part of who I was. Plus it created the most epic container for me to move through the day in.

    But the more I tried to recreate it, the more resistance there was.

    The way I experienced time before becoming a mama, was very different to hw I was experiencing it in this chapter.

    I didn't have the same pockte of time for a big ritual or spiritual practice.

    I didnt have the same amount of time for breathwork, movement, journaling, oracle card pulling, and emotional release work.

    And so, instead of accepting the time I had and the chapter I was in, I had a toddler tantrum, and decided I wasnt going to have a ritual AT ALL...which was not a good idea.

    In this episode I walk you through my journey, of finally finding a ritual and spiritual practice that works with the time, emotional bandwidth and mental capacity I have now.

    It has changed my life, and I dont say that lightly. My experience as a friend, business owner, and most importantly, a mother, has drastically changed since I brought these practice back.

    So dive into this episode, and take notes!!



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    27 min
  • 123// I Went From $20k to $0. Nothing Seemed To Work. Here's Why This Happened...
    Sep 13 2024

    Listen, I was having $20k+ months in my business. Surreal, but temporary.

    I was in a 6 month 1:1 coaching container with a top tier business mentor, and when I was IN the container with her, I was doing great.

    But when it ended, I started to wobble, and things began to return back to how they used to be, in terms of my money and finances.

    I have been inside a plethora of money mindset containers, working on my limiting beliefs around money, having aha moments galore, experiencing shifts with money.

    But, you guessed it, as soon as those programs were over, I felt that recognizable pull back to my old patterns around money.

    “GAHHHH WHYYYYYY?!” - the internal scream of someone who just wanted something to CLICK.

    Well, first let me say, this NO reflection on the mentors Ive worked with. They are insanely good at what they do.

    In this episode, I tell you EXACTLY what I learned, and how I turned everything around...

    Dive in, enjoy, and please let me know what landed for you!




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    39 min
  • 122// Attract Money By Healing Your Relationship to Responsibility
    Sep 6 2024

    Money comes with responsibility, whether its $10 or $100,000. The responsibility is the same.

    Youre responsible for taking care of it, nurturing it, using it, and creating with it.

    This is a fact that remains the same, always.

    But what happens if you have a fear of responsibility?

    What happens when you believe the repsonsibility is something you can't handle, or don't want to handle?

    Well, money doesnt come. Or at least not the aligned amounts you truly desire.

    You might receive SOME money, but you'll be stuck at that amount, unable to hold or have more.

    This is a really common fear I see in many women, when it comes to having, holding and circulating money.

    They fear the responsibility it comes with.

    And the reason for this, is pretty mindblowning.

    Let me dive deep with you inside todays podcast.

    And when youve listened, come and join me inside RECONNECTING WITH MONEY. Lets completely recode your body's response to money.




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    28 min
  • 121// You're Probably Disrespecting Money Without Realizing It, And Thats Why Its Not Showing Up.
    Aug 30 2024

    Honestly, this feels like a calling out. Loving, yet harsh.

    And sometimes we need that, in order to access the breakthrough that changes everything.

    We need to be called out, even if its uncomfortable.

    You are likely disrespecting and abusing your money, and thats a big reason why it ain't showing up for you.

    Spending it without thinking about your values, or the vision you have for your life.

    Spending it from a rebellious energy because as a kid, you didnt have much.

    Spending for pleasure, without recognising if it brings value or longevity.

    This is a biggy, and something that was discussed and unpacked in the last round of, Reconnecting With Money.

    So, pull up a seat, pour a bevvy, and lets dive in, because we gotta do something about this, so you can have, hold and circulate money, and build a life you choose.




    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min