In this first installment of the Latin Playground, we’re bringing you three episodes from our first recording session. We come together to explore the fascinating intersection of language, translation, and spirituality in Emanuel Swedenborg’s 18th-century NeoLatin. You’ve arrived at Episode 2. Get ready to fly through the galaxies of Latin and English! In this episode, we discuss the following topics.
Topics we explore:
- Strengths and weaknesses of Latin vs. English.
- This/That in English vs. Latin’s many demonstratives and how this is important to understand when translating.
- Understanding Latin and English as galaxies when translating and why it matters.
- The English galaxy is larger than Latin and has eaten Latin several times.
- Pruritus vs. having an itch. Anglo-Saxon words hit different than Latinate English terms.
- Twinkle, twinkle little star vs. Scintillate, scintillate asteroid minific.
- Latinate English words can sound abstract in English; they are distant in the English galaxy but near the core in the Latin galaxy.
- Concupiscence: concupiscentia. Scentia - growing, con - strong, cupis - craving. It means a strong and growing craving. Compare that to how viscerally “concupiscent” hits.
- To translate words that are in the center of the Latin galaxy, you need to translate them into core English words, not distant Latinate stars.
- The dates of the NeoLatin period: 1300-1700. Swedenborg wrote all of his Latin after 1700! It continued later, but it was on its way out.
- Are you a NeoLatin scholar? Come be a guest on our show!
- Language grows and changes along with thought and ideas.
- Our concept of what is possible is limited by language.
This is a podcast we are producing for the joy of it. We are at the mercy of our zoom connections and our limited skills and capacity for dressing up the podcast the way one is meant to be. So, a relatively informal production! But we couldn’t get together and talk about these things without sharing them! The subject matter is just too good not to!
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Thanks for playing with us on the Latin Playground! See you next time!
The Latin Playground is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization. Everything we produce is on account of the generous giving of our donors. Learn more at