What does it mean to practice spirituality responsibly? We welcome back one of our favorite guests, psychic medium Anthony Lightz for a discussion about ethics in the spiritual community.
Inspired by a powerful video Anthony shared, we dive into what it really takes to provide guidance with honesty, integrity, and care. From finding the balance between making a living and staying ethical to creating a space where clients feel truly safe and empowered, they cover it all.
Join the conversation and discover why ethics are at the heart of meaningful spiritual work.
Go connect with Anthony:
✨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonylightz
✨Website: https://anthonylightz.com/
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🎬 Molly’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@m0dizzl3
🥳 Submit your questions/topic requests here: https://forms.gle/t8iwjYbA6Re4WTqN6
Let us know your thoughts:
✨ Demystify Magic Instagram: @demystifymagic
✨ Molly’s instagram: @m0dizzl3
✨ Madison’s instagrams: @madisonlillian.jpeg and @healinghedgewitch and @shopspellcrafter