
  • 17. Well, Goodbye Forever (S2E8)
    Aug 30 2024
    Our coverage of the season 2 finale is finally here!!! And so is...Kash's musical!!! Yay?!? But someone else had to say, well, goodbye forever (mic drop). Join Penny and Greg as they dive into this (hopefully not "final" final) episode of this show that we have enjoyed, for the most part.

    Also, for all 3 of you who stuck with us through this unexpectedly long journey, thank you for your patience, and thank you for your participation.

    Check out a bunch of our other great podcasts or leave feedback at www.podcastica.com or https://www.facebook.com/podcastica.

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    48 min
  • 16. Be the Daddy You Want to See in the World (S2E7)
    Aug 30 2024
    Wow, didn't see Daddy issues being a real thing! Sorry, that was the sound of Penny rolling her eyes. Join Penny and Greg as they break down pointless father/daughter bonding, a not-quite swift Taylor bachelorette party, and two people who realize they just miss each other, even if one isn't nearly as deserving of the other. (SPOILER ALERT: It's Carrie!!!)

    Check out a bunch of our other great podcasts or leave feedback at www.podcastica.com or https://www.facebook.com/podcastica.

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    1 h
  • 15. Jen v. Nora: Ultimate Showdown (S2E6)
    Jul 13 2024
    Finally!!! They even gave us the plotline in the title! The ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN! This episode was really a great conclusion to this Nora storyline, and while there were some things that were a little confusing, it was a great episode. Join Penny and Greg as they dive into the completion of the Jizzlord/Jen/Nora storyline, and actually continue to enjoy Kash/Clark's scenes.

    Check out a bunch of our other great podcasts or leave feedback at www.podcastica.com or https://www.facebook.com/podcastica.

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    51 min
  • 14. "Meet the Parent" (S2E5)
    Jun 15 2024
    Here we go!!! This is what we've been looking for! This was a great episode, exploring the difficulties of family dynamics, new relationships, working to repair old relationships, and being a wee little b%$*.
    Join Penny and Greg as they really dive into the minutiae of a family dinner and how a lack of honesty in therapy does NOT earn you gold stars. This makes us both really look forward to the next few episodes, and boy, this did not disappoint!

    Disclaimer: Speaking of family, family dynamics have made my (Greg) scheduling a bit of a nightmare, and I deeply apologize to those of you who have been looking forward to the rest of this coverage. We are working hard to get them recorded and out, but my life has been a little difficult recently, so we are doing what we can.

    Thanks, and sláinte!!!

    Check out a bunch of our other great podcasts or leave feedback at www.podcastica.com or https://www.facebook.com/podcastica.

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    52 min
  • 13. "Ready to Rumble" (S2E4)
    May 23 2024
    What do you get when you mix a long lost husband with his Manic Pixie Dream slut, the wife he disappeared from, and the lost BFF who doesn't know how to bond with his best mate? An erotic merman whale of a fan-fic episode! Join Penny and Greg as they make their way through Jen's fun beige party fashion choices, Kash finding his muse (eyeroll!!!), and Carrie trying to be super sexy again for the first time in a while. And watch out for those extreme hypotheticals!!!

    Check out a bunch of our other great podcasts or leave feedback at www.podcastica.com or https://www.facebook.com/podcastica.

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    52 min
  • 12. "The Exorcism of Carrie Jackson" (S2E3)
    May 16 2024
    Onto the Halloween episode!!! (Wait, what?) Jen explores her deepest fears (Don't stand so close to me!), Kash tries to overcome, well, basically every fear in the book, Jizzlord opts out of being a Slut for Halloween to avoid Capital Gains taxes (whatever those are!), and Carrie learns how difficult it is to get rid of a harlot that REALLY wants to be young again. This was a first for the show, a holiday themed episode and Penny and Greg dig deep into the nuances of the episode.

    TRIGGER WARNING: We didn't really care for it. As much as we don't like dogging on the show, we weren't super impressed. Just wanted to get that out there at the start.

    Check out a bunch of our other great podcasts or leave feedback at www.podcastica.com or https://www.facebook.com/podcastica.

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    57 min
  • 11. "Hello Stranger" (S2E2)
    Apr 12 2024
    Now that Carrie and Kash have broken up, we need a new baddie to root against! (Sorry, Kash) Oh wait, who's this? We can't wish poorly for Jizzlord's perfect and understanding wife who....oh, there it is! She's an independent woman on the rise, an author, a strong mother, a social influencer...and also a complete and utter %&$&! She doesn't deserve our...*cough*... Jen's sweet Jizzlord, whom is just an innocent kitty-husband bystander! Or is he that innocent? Join Penny and Greg as they dive into the introduction of the most perfect villian, whom is basically the upside down/reverse of Jen in practically every way. And is none too happy with her husband taking a ball-licking gap (four) year!!! Quite the frolic in this one!

    Check out a bunch of our other great podcasts or leave feedback at www.podcastica.com or https://www.facebook.com/podcastica.

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    59 min
  • 10. "The Void" (S2E1)
    Mar 29 2024
    Extraordinary is back!!! It's wonderful to be back in our power-filled (except Jen) world, with the writing as sharp as ever. Join Penny and Greg as they discuss the positives of a break-up contract, the difference between men and women breakup recovery, and our fawning over a long dead, but much adored, famous guest star! Jen and Jizzlord are proving how it's good(?) to want to deceive the person you care about, and Carrie gets a Tart-ly makeover! And Kash still sucks!! Hope you enjoy!

    And as is the habit, we had a little recording snafu, so we recorded at different times, and I (Greg) recorded in different locations. So if there sounds like a shift in my voice, there is! And we apologize for that!

    Check out a bunch of our other great podcasts or leave feedback at www.podcastica.com or https://www.facebook.com/podcastica.

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    1 h et 23 min