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Welcome to The Fo0H Tribe Podcast, Where Men Can Be Men. This is Season #4 and our second episode. We are fired you are here. Last week we talked about the Parents and this week we are talking about Geography, the state you grew up in, the county you grew up in and the town you grew up in. Was it an urban environment or a rural environment?
In this episode, we are going to keep everything at a high level, but we will dive in to seven different & unique differentiations that each state considers when evaluating the need for early childhood development needs. Prior to this point, I accepted these factors as dynamics I had to accept as part of where I came from. Although these seven unique areas are topics and issues local and state government consider when they put together a budget and is it even something the people in the town want. It will all make sense to you when you get into it.
- Parents (week 1)
- Geography (week 2)
- Financial Status (week 3)
- Religious / Spiritual upbringing (week 4)
- Siblings (week 5)
- Conclusion / Wrap Up
It's my hope while you are listening this week that you begin to take into account how these factors may have impacted you at an early age and while you attended school. Was school easy for you? Did you have to study much? What services did your county, town or state you live support you if you had trouble learning differently? Did you get additional support? Did your parent have to really fight for these extra services or did you parent do whatever the school board or Principal suggest? How did not having additional educational services available to you impact how other students looked at you?
I remember having to read the Orange book at Ms. Coin's desk during reading class and I was the only student in class reading the Orange book. The Orange Book was for 1st grade readers and I was in 2nd grade, so that meant I was a dummy when it came to being on the same reading level as other kids in my class and they knew it. Kids in 2nd grade can be ruthless and some of them were and they made sure to tell me when we walked over to the cafeteria for lunch.
My goal for you and this episode is to provide a different perspective on how you grew up and where you grew up. If you feel compelled to review some of your early childhood development years at school, it's a good thing. You're going to just have to trust me on this one.
Here is the link to the intro song for this episode. I came across this one recently and haven't heard it before which left me in a little bit of a shock. The song is by Tool and the name of it is Triad. It's just a grinder of a song and has no lyrics. If you've heard it before, then you will know what I'm talking about.
I'll see ya in there!
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