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Welcome to the ninth episode of The Fo0H Tribe Podcast, Where Men Can Be Men!
In this episode we are going to talk about The "Growing Up" Stage as it relates to The In-Between Men topics we've being covering over the last 9 weeks.
The "Growing Up" Stage takes place from the moment you are born to any age between 24 to 32 years of age. I'll go over the details on why it varies during the episode.
What didn't want to do for this episode is try and come up with an all encompassing definition that every single male might be able to identify with. I took the high road, and tried to make it simple. Instead of trying to define what this stage is, I included my Top 5 variables that could impact how any individual might respond to dynamics during this stage.
The "Growing Up" Stage will be unique to you and you alone. Just like your finger print, I've never meet any two people who share the exact same personal story, I just believe it to be possible. So in this stage and over time you will slowly start to engage and interact with the world around you and create habits and form behaviors to confront and hopefully embrace the world.
I've sifted in another dynamic into this podcast that may or may not have been discussed or considered in the past. Based on my research, I've learned that the Pre-Frontal Cortex within a mans brain doesn't fully mature until between the ages 25 & 32. If you don't have any idea what the Pre-Frontal Cortex does in your brain then you are just going to have to listen to this episode.
The intro music this week comes from the movie Sicaro and the name of the song is called "The Beast". Fitting for this weeks episode. Here is the link,
I'll see ya in there!
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