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Welcome to the thirty seventh episode of The Fo0H Tribe Podcast, Where Men Can Be Men.
This is a bittersweet episode if I'm being honest. I prefer not to talk about stages, times in people's lives when struggling could reach an to epic levels. It reminds me of Chernobyl and how arrogance and ballooned self-confidence can impact so many innocent people in a negative and harmful way. It's baffling if you care to ponder how everything unfolded that evening.
Like Chernobyl, if men (anyone really) bottle up emotions long enough and under so much pressure, things are bound to go astray. Maybe an untapped deep sea oil well is a better example?
In this episode, I'll touch on the grim reality of what happens to men who have been taught, "not to cry" or "show emotion" because it's unmanly. How the long term impact of not giving men the tools and strategies at an early age to learn how to navigate through emotional challenges is detrimental to their long term mental health. This of course isn't anything new, we just keep trudging forward doing the same thing men for generations have always done. Continue to teach our youth to "not be p#ssies and to Man the funk up!"
I've witness first hand, loving, caring, honest and good man make the ultimate decision of ending their life way too early and it breaks my heart. It's extremely troubling friends and I believe, not necessary.
Within Stage #1 of In-Between Men, I hope to provide insight into why men reject and/or deny the notion they are worthy of working towards emotional and/or spiritual support/growth.
If you're a man and upon hearing this weeks introduction theme song and think of Clint Eastwood, you need to go back in time and start your life all over again. For A Few Dollars More....the title track in one of Clint's epic spaghetti westerns. Google it TODAY people.
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